Monday, 31 December 2018

The End of the World "How I Became Santa"

I decided to do a Christmas RPG session using The End of The World rules so the players would be playing as themselves.  Credit for the idea goes to the INVICTUS Stream again, check them out on YouTube.

I created a weapons list that they would have access to throughout the game, not all the weapons were used and the full list can be found here, when they had access to them, players got to pick one at random from a Santa Hat I had with them all inside.  Each item was only limited use (normally one) so after they used it they got to pick another.  

Lets see how they got on.

Monday, 1 October 2018

2 vs 1 Knights & Space Wolves Vs Deathwatch & Cadians 3000 points

We had a 2v1 3000 point game, Space Wolves and Imperial Knights against my Cadians and my friends Deathwatch.  It was my friends 1st game of 8th Edition so I was helping him out a bit.   The Knights and Space Wolves were one army but we had two 1500 point armies.  We were sharing CP and only had one warlord between us, which was my Company Commander.

We played Retrieval Mission with Search and Destroy deployment

Monday, 27 August 2018

Necromunda Underhive Campaign - Part 1

I have started a Necromunda campaign with a friend, just the two of us running to to get used to playing.  So far I am loving the game and like the mix of 40k skirmish play and advancing your gang.  Problem is I find the game's alternating activation much harder to write a battle report for so haven't done any for any of games so far.

That said I wanted to write a little about how it is going so far and what's happened.

Monday, 20 August 2018

"Quality vs Quantity" 1750 points Cadians vs Custodians

I got to test my Guard army out again, this time against the Adeptus Custodes.  It was 1750 points so I didn't want to bring my Super Heavy but that did mean using basically using everything else in my collection so I had a few units that weren't the best, if I'd had a few more models I definite would have dropped a few and put something else in.

Either way, we played 1750 points, Secure and Control and had Dawn of War deployment.

Monday, 4 June 2018

"Super Sonic Showdown" 1500pts Cadian vs Emperor's Children

I finally got to have my first game with my work in progress Imperial Guard army.  I could only play with what I have already brought so could only do 1500pts because I don't quite have 2000 yet but I really wanted to try them out.

I was playing my friends Emperor's Children, who I hadn't played yet this edition and he had some new Forge World Sonic Dreadnoughts to try as well.

We were playing The Scouring with Spearhead Assault.

Monday, 28 May 2018

"Warhammer Fest Show Down 2" 1000 Points Flesh Tearers Vs Imperium

This is the second of the Battle Reports I'm writing for my time at Warhammer Fest 2018.  It was another 1000 point battle against an Imperial army made up of Space Wolves and Custodians.  This time round we were playing Secure and Control and using Dawn of War deployment again.  The open play boards were a little sparse with the terrain, but there were plenty to play on so can't complain.

Monday, 21 May 2018

"Warhammer Fest Show Down 1" 1000 Points Flesh Tearers Vs Imperium

As I mentioned here I played a few games while I was at Warhammer Fest 2018.  The first two I didn't take pictures during play so won't be doing a detailed battle report for them but the second two I did so I am doing those now.  This is going to be a report for the 1st game, the second will be coming next week.

For this game we were playing The Relic, 1000 points with Dawn of War Deployment.  It was my Flesh Tearers vs Imperium, made up of Space Wolves and Custodians.

Monday, 14 May 2018

Warhammer Fest 2018

I got the chance to go to Warhammer Fest 2018 and thought I'd write a little about my time there.  I won't be cover all the announcements here just my time there. If you are looking for announcements please check out the other news sites or Warhammer Community page.

Monday, 23 April 2018

40K Big FAQ 1 2018

So after being pushed back for over a month we have the 1st big FAQ for Warhammer 40K.  All the FAQs can be found on the Warhammer Community Page.  Most of the FAQs for each armies codex were updated as well, so was the main rule book and Chapter Approved.

I wanted to discuss some of the changes that were brought in with the new FAQs a little.  I haven't read every armies FAQ, only really Guard since that affects me and Blood Angels weren't updated in this run of changes.  Obviously everyone is talking about these online and some people are positive about them and some are very negative.  I just wanted to give my opinion.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Fantasy AGE - Rats and Pies

Finn's offer seemed like a simple one, go to The Dead Pelican, convince the landlord to let Finn use his cellar as an exit from the tunnels that run below and return to Finn to get paid.  Nothing can go wrong with this, right?

Part 3 of our players adventures in Freeport.  Previous parts can be found here.

Monday, 2 April 2018

Fantasy AGE - Dealing with the Barkeeper and Finn's Offer

With our party having survived the sewers and retrieved their stolen money they awake the next morning with only one thing on their minds, getting revenge on the Barkeeper who set them up.

The 2nd chapter of our heroes adventures in Freeport.  The previous part can be found here.

Monday, 26 March 2018

The Walking Dead: All Out War

For a long time I have been a fan of The Walking Dead comics by Robert Kirkman.  I watch the TV show but have always preferred the comics.  Mantic Games have been making The Walking Dead Miniatures Game: All Out War for a while now and I have had it on my radar for a long time but never really looked into it much.  Well I decided to and I liked what I saw so I have picked up the core box and a couple of small boosters for some extra characters.

Monday, 19 March 2018


So I have found a new miniatures game to play, Gaslands a game of post-apocalyptic vehicular mayhem.  I watched a few battle reports of it online and decided straight away I wanted to try it.  I have just finished reading through the rule book but at the time of writing this have not had a chance to play it yet.  However I decided to write a little about what the game is and why I decided to get it.

Monday, 12 March 2018

New Army Update - I've Actually Made My Mind Up This Time

I have posted a few times about ideas for new armies I was considering.  I had previously talked about Inquisition and Eldar but I also consider Tyranids, Genestealer Cult and Adeptus Mechanicus.  Well I have finally picked an idea and started with it.  I finally decided to go with...

Astra Militarum

Monday, 5 March 2018

"Return of the Custodians" 2000pts Flesh Tearers Vs Imperium

My Flesh Tearers played another game, this time against the combined forces of the Space Wolves and Adeptus Custodes.  It would be my first time playing against Custodians but I had an idea what to expect.  I knew they were extremely elite and very hard to kill.  I hadn't seen their new codex yet though or watched any battle reports of them since the new codex was released when I wrote my list, so I didn't have any real details of what they would be able to do or how to counter them.

We rolled off for a random mission and got The Scouring with Front-Line Assault deployment.

Monday, 29 January 2018

Eldritch Horror

Eldritch Horror has been for some time one of my favourite games and possibility my favourite pure co-op game.  It is the successor to Arkham Horror but has been made more streamlined and given a globe hoping adventure theme instead of a single city like Arkham Horror had.  The game play is close but its global theme gives Eldritch Horror more of a Pulp adventure feel.  It is faster than Arkham Horror but still takes some time to play which means I don't get it on the table as much as I'd like.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Fantasy AGE - Arrival In Freeport

So we played a game of Fantasy AGE with me as the GM.  I had decided to write an starting adventure for the players, who were all new to the game, based on them arriving in Green Ronin's city of Freeport after a long journey to get there.  I planned to make the adventure fairly easy to help them get used to the rules.

Monday, 15 January 2018

"The Wolf Knight Rises" Flesh Tearers Vs Space Wolves & Imperial Knights 2000pts Scorched Earth

This was a game of firsts, my first game with the new Blood Angels Codex, my first game against an Imperial Knight, my first game against the Chapter Approved Space Wolves and my first game using a Chapter Approved mission.  Exciting times.

We decided to do a new mission from Chapter Approved so rolled for it and got Scorched Earth.  This is an interesting mission because you can score an objective at the end of every turn for 1 point or burn an objective in your opponents deployment zone for D3 points and remove it from the game.  It is interesting not only because you can remove objectives from the game but also that you score every turn not just at the end of the game.

We also rolled for deployment and got Spearhead Assault.  Seems I've played a lot of games using the short table edges for deployment instead of the long table edges recently.

Monday, 8 January 2018

Top 50 games - Jan 2018

Last year I did a list of my favourite games  using Pub Meeple's Board Game Ranking Engine.  I thought I would do the same thing again this year and see how the list has changed. 

Same as last year I have copied my played games from Board Game Geek I have also removed expansions but did take them into account when picking which game I'd rather play, if I've played an expansion it has been taken into consideration.  If games are similer enough (like different versions of Fluxx, Ticket to ride or Munchkin) I have included them all as one entry, but if they are the same base game but work differently (like One Night Ultimate Werewolf and One Night Ultimate Vampire) I have left them separate.  I have also cut it down to top 50 this year since I was otherwise the list would be a lot longer than last year.

Monday, 1 January 2018

"March of the Defilers" Flesh Tearers vs World Eaters 2000pts Secure and Control

Another game with my Flesh Tearers against the World Eaters.  We were playing Secure and Control, so we each had an objective in our deployment zone, and we were using the Spearhead Assault deployment.  This was played a few days before the Blood Angel's codex was released or Chapter Approved came out so I was using an Index force against a Chaos Codex force.