The Lists
Flesh Tearers
Battalion Detachment
Librarian with jump pack, bolt pistol and force stave
Sanguinary Priest with bolt pistol, chainsword and jump pack
5x Scouts with 4 sniper rifles and a missile launcher
10x Tactical Marines with missile launcher, plasma gun, chainsword and combi-plasma
10x Tactical Marines with heavy flamer, flamer, hand flamer and power sword
10x Tactical Marines with heavy bolter, grav-gun, chainsword and storm bolter
6x Assault Marines with jump packs, powerfist and melta bombs
Baal Predator with twin assault cannon, 2x heavy bolters and storm bolter
Stormraven Gunship with 2x stormstrike missile launcher, twin heavy bolter, twin lascannon and 2x hurricane bolter
Vanguard Detachment
Chaplain with bolt pistol and jump pack
5x Death Company with jump packs, thunder hammer and powerfist
Furioso Dreadnought with frag cannon, furioso fist, heavy flamer and magna-grapple
5x Terminator Squad with power sword
World Eaters
Battalion Detachment
Daemon Prince with wings, malefic talons and talisman of burning blood
Kharn the Betrayer
5x Chaos Terminators with mark of Khorne, icon of wrath and each with a pair of lightning claws
10x Khorne Berzerkers with chainswords and chain axes, icon of wrath and a pair of lightning claws
9x Khorne Berzerkers with chainswords and chain axes, icon of wrath and a pair of lightning claws
15x Khorne Berzerkers with chainswords and chain axes, icon of wrath and a pair of lightning claws
Chaos Rhino with combi-bolter and havoc laucher
Chaos Rhino with combi-bolter and havoc laucher
Spearhead Detachment
Warpsmith with flamer, mark of Khorne, plasma pistol and power axe
Defiler with combi-bolter, defiler scourge, mark of Khorne and reaper autocannon
Defiler with combi-bolter, defiler scourge, mark of Khorne and reaper autocannon
Defiler with combi-bolter, defiler scourge, mark of Khorne and reaper autocannon
So my list hadn't changed since my battle against the Space Wolves and the World Eaters list was close to the 1500pts World Eaters list I last played against. It had more Defilers and a Warpsmith to back them up and a Daemon Prince as well in addition.
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Deployment |
I had my two ranged Tactical Squads on my right flank in the ruin to help with fire and hold the objective that was there with them. My flamer Tactical squad was on the centre/left in a small ruin to advance up. My Baal Predator was hidden behind a ruin to avoid 1st turn fire and my Stormraven was as far back as possible to avoid any alpha strike. My scouts were in the middle ruin to try and snipe the Warpsmith and maybe hold up a unit of Berzerkers. My Terminators and Dread were in the Stormraven and everything else was waiting in deep strike.
The two objectives were both in ruins, the World Eaters was in the centre ruin with the footslogging Berzerkers, it was far forward which suited them because they wanted to be pushing forward and it meant they could follow back and claim it late game if they needed to. Mine was in my back ruin with my two tactical squads so I had two units holding it that I wasn't planning on moving much to get the most out of their firepower.
The Game
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End of World Eaters turn 1 |
The rest of the turn was fairly ineffective. The Defilers weren't able to hit anything and only the Warpsmith managed to kill a single Scout.
The World Eaters had got themselves into a good position though. The Rhinos of Berzerkers were a threat but the Defilers moving forwards were also presenting a threat which meant I had too many targets for my 1st turn.
I started my turn my flying my Stormraven forwards over to my right flank to target Kharn's Rhino and the footslogging Berzerkers. My Baal Predator moved forwards as well to get in a better position to shoot. I decided to keep my reserves back to see how the game developed first.
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End of Flesh Tearers turn 1 |
I was really hoping to either destroy or cripple Kharn's Rhino this turn to slow down his advance before dropping my Terminators and Furioso to try and deal with what came out of the transport and kill a few of the footsloggers because big units of Berzerkers are really dangerous. I hadn't managed to do either.
For the World Eaters movement the Rhino on their right flank dropped off it's Berzerkers to go after my Scouts. Kharn's Rhino came forwards out of the ruin and the Defilers continued their advance. Finally the Daemon Prince and Terminators came in from deep strike, the Terminators came in on my back field to attack my Tactical Squads on the objective and the Daemon Prince took advantage of my Stormraven's position to come in just over 9" away right on the edge of the board.
Shooting was again a bit disappointing again, although the defilers did shoot they didn't do a huge amount of damage to anything. The assault phase was a bit more successful. The Berzerkers charged up the ruin and were able to get enough of them into combat to finish off my scouts and score the World Eaters 1st blood. The Terminators were less sucessful and failed their charge against my Tactical Marines.
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End of World Eaters turn 2 |
At the start of my second turn I had some work to do. My Terminators and Furioso Dreadnought were unsupported with a 2 Defilers, Kharn, Daemon Prince and 2 units of Berzerkers all nearby. Another Defiler was close to my back field and posing a risk to my Baal and Tactical Squad. I knew this turn I'd need to bring in my back-up from reserve. My Death Company, Sanguinary Priest and Chaplain dropped to take on the Terminators in my deployment zone. The Librarian and Assault Squad dropped on my right flank to back up the Terminators but stayed further back to counter attack the World Eaters. My Dread and Terminators moved on the Rhino with Kharn in it.
My plan was to smite the Daemon Prince and get him out the way then shoot the Rhino, which was already missing a few wounds, with everything and kill it. Then I could charge Kharn and the Berzerkers with my Dread and Terminators getting the chance to hit them first and hopefully do enough casualties they couldn't finish me off on the counter attack so they would have to do it in their turn, then I could charge again with the Assault Squad and finish them off. Had it have worked I would have taken out 3 big threats before my next turn (Kharn, Prince and a unit of Berzerkers).
My plan failed on it's first part, I wanted to finish the Daemon Prince off but wanted as much fire on the Rhino as possible so didn't want to waste shots on it which is why I planned to smite it however I failed the smite so instead had to waste some of my fire power finishing him off. I wasn't quite able to get enough shots into the Rhino to kill it so instead changed it with my Furioso and Terminators.
On the other side I should have moved my flamer Tactical Squad forward and burnt the Berzerkers in the ruins but instead fired at the Defiler that was standing next to them. It was a desperate attack which was never going to do much damage and I would have been more effective again the infantry in the building. My Baal Predator joined in with the Tactical Squad to put as much fire into the advancing Defiler as possible, I knew I was unlikely to kill it but if I could get it reduced I might be able to finish it off next round.
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End of Flesh Tearers turn 2 |
The Rhino was destroyed easily and I had purposefully tried to surround it as much as possible. My plan was to make it so nothing could get out and the units inside would be destroyed but I hadn't quite had enough movement on the Terminators charge to get them all the way round the outside. There was a small gap that the World Eaters inside were able to deploy in although not all of them could fit so some of the Berzerkers were killed because they couldn't be placed in the board.
That was the end of my turn, it hadn't gone as well as I had hoped since I couldn't finish the Rhino off in the shooting phase but I had done some damage.
The World Eaters started they turn by sending the Berzerkers and Kharn down towards my Assault Squad and Librarian. On the other other side the Defiler moved down towards my Baal Predator and the Berzerkers in the ruin moved towards my Tactical Squad. The other Defilers and Berzerkers headed towards my Terminators.
In the shooting phase the Defilers managed to take out my Baal Predator which freed up the Defiler to attack my Death Company.
The assault phase went well for the World Eaters (which was always going to be the case). The two defilers got into combat with my Terminators and so did as many of the Berzerkers that could reach/fit. They were able to kill my Terminators completely but couldn't deal with the Furioso as well.
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End of World Eaters turn 3 |
On the other side, the Defiler charged my Death Company, Priest and Chaplain and managed to kill a couple of the Death Company but took some damage in return from the thunder hammer and power fist. The Berzerkers charged and wiped out my flamer squad with almost no problems just taking 3 casualties from overwatch. The Terminators had forgotten to move in the movement phase and therefore failed their charge on my Tactical Marines again.
My 3rd turn started and I didn't have much to do. As it stood I needed to hold my Objective to have any chance of winning. I moved the Furioso out of combat and down to threaten Kharn, he couldn't charge but he was close enough to offer a threat to him next turn and if the Defilers or Berzerkers wanted to charge me again they would have to take the 3D6 auto hitting overwatch. I also jumped my Priest out of combat and just behind, my plan was to keep the Chaplain and Death Company getting buffs but stop the Defiler hitting the Priest since with no weapons other than a chainsword he wasn't going to be that effective against the Daemon Engine.
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End of Flesh Tears turn 3 |
My Tactical Squads had to split their fire, one squad was closer to the Berzerkers so had to shoot them but the other could shoot Kharn. I wiped out the last of the Berzerkers and took Kharn down to just 2 wounds.
In combat my Death Company did a few more wounds to the Defiler but weren't able to finish it and in return it managed to kill another Death Company marine.
As it stood going into turn 4 I needed to hold my objective to win. I had my Objective which was 3 VP but the World Eaters had Linebreaker and 1st Blood for 2 VP. Both Warlords (Kharn and my Chaplain) were both in trouble so chances are they would both be dead soon. If I could hold my ruin I could win, but the World Eaters were starting to overrun me now they had reached combat.
At the start of World Eaters turn 4 everything that wasn't in combat started to move forwards. The Defilers that weren't in combat and the Berzerkers with them headed towards my ruin as did the Terminators. On the other side the Berzerkers that had taken out my flamer squad moved towards my Death Company.
Shooting was basically non-existent but when the Assault phase came around they cleaned up. On their right the Berzerkers joined the Defiler in combat and finished off my Death Company, Chaplain and Priest getting the World Eaters Slay the Warlord. The Terminators successfully charged my Tactical Squad on the bottom of the ruin and killed them all with the help of one of the Defilers.
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End of World Eaters turn 4 and end of the game |
The other Defiler and Berzerkers charged my Furioso and destroyed that as well but did take a few wounds from overwatch. Kharn was less successful trying to charge my Tactical Marines on the top floor he was taken out by an overheated plasma shot getting me Slay the Warlord as well.
As it was now I had to reclaim my objective to win. I currently had 1 VP (slay the warlord) and the World Eaters had 6 (linebreaker, 1st blood, slay the warlord and 3 for my objective). If I could take back the objective and hold it for 1 turn I could win the game 4-3. However I only had 1 Tactical Squad left and had to get a Defiler and Terminator squad off the objective then hold it against another 2 Defilers and some Berzerkers. At this point I conceded the game so it was a World Eaters victory.
If I was to play it again I would do somethings differently. Maybe drop my Assault Squad in their deployment zone to take that objective and force some of the army to come back for me. I also know I should have moved the flamer Tactical Squad up into range to engage the Berzerkers that were come towards them, an extra round of shooting them could have made the difference. I do think I should have dropped my Assault Squad closer to the Rhino when they came in, if they had joined in the assault on the Rhino it would have been fully surrounded and everything inside would have been wiped out (including Kharn).
I was unlucky with the Daemon Prince and the Stormraven and that could have made a real difference if I had kept it alive longer.
Overall it was a good game and a well deserved victory for the World Eaters. I am still not sure how to deal with them without going full shooting army (which I don't want to for fluff reasons) because they are just a better close combat army than me. With my new codex out it might make a difference and put us on a more even playing field since from what I have seen the new buffs boost my style of play (deep strike and combat).
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