The Lists
My list had stayed the same from the last game but the Imperial army was slightly different. A few Custodians had been dropped and a Flyer and Njal added.
Flesh Tearers
Captain in Terminator Armour with Storm Bolter, Hammer of Baal and Gift of Foresight
Librarian with Jump Pack, Force Stave, Plasma Pistol, Unleash Rage and Shield of Sanguinius
5 man Scout Squad with 4 Sniper Rifles and a Missile Launcher
5 man Scout Squad with Bolt Pistols, 4 Combat Knives and a Chainsword
5 man Scout Squad with 4 Boltguns and 1 Heavy Bolter
Chaplain with Bolt Pistol and Jump Pack
Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack, Bolt Pistol and Chainsword
5 man Death Company with Boltguns and Chainswords
Furioso Dreadnought with Frag Cannon, Furioso Fist, Heavy Flamer and Magna-Grapple
4 man Sanguinary Guard with 1 Encarmine Axe, 3 Encarmine Swords, 1 Inferno Pistol and 3 Angelus Boltguns
Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike with Hurricane Bolter and Misericordia
Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike with Hurricane Bolter and Misericordia
Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike with Hurricane Bolter and Misericordia
Njal Stormcaller in Runic Terminator Armour with Storm Caller and Tempest's Wrath
5 Fenrisian Wolves
5 Fenrisian Wolves
5 Fenrisian Wolves
Stormwolf with Skyhammer Missile Launcher, Twin Helfrost Cannon and 2 Lascannons
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Deployment |
On the other side the wolves were set up as a screen again and the Stormwolf, Custodians and Njal set up behind them.
The two yellow Custodian's dice were the objectives, mine set up in the woods with my firebase and and the Imperial one set up just in front of the Stormwolf.
The Game
The Imperium forces went first this game, unlike last game they didn't charge straight at me and instead moved forward slowly. The Stormwolf came slightly further forwards to get my firebase into range. Njal jumped into the Stormwolf before it moved and picked up a lift.
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End of Imperium turn 1 |
My Scouts were able to weather the fire from hurricane bolters without much problem (I got really really lucky with my dice rolls). The Stormwolf put its heavier firepower into my Furioso, I think he was a little scared of it. The missile launchers and lascannons were enough to do 5 wounds to it but not quite finish it off.
With the rest of the army hanging back there were no charges to be made. The turn ended and it was my turn to attack.
I didn't want to run straight into the Imperial forces, but with them hanging back I had to advance into them or we would be stuck in a stalemate until the game ended. I moved forwards slightly and brought my Death Company round behind my other units to use as a counter attack for when the Custodians inevitably attacked me. I don't normally play this defensively but I was worried about the Dawneagles.
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End of Flesh Tearers turn 1 |
I started my shooting and split fire between three targets. My sniper rifles could avoid the screen of Wolves and shoot the Shield-Captains so put their shots into one of the bikes. I wasn't thinking they would be that effective, but I was hoping I would score some mortal wounds, which I did. Over a few games against Custodians I had started to think that mortal wounds were the way to deal with them so sniper rifles and smite were my plan to throw wounds on them without having to deal with great armour and invun saves.
My second target was was the Stormwolf. I used the the Scouts missile launcher to shoot the flyer. He was able to score a great hit and do 5 damage to it. Finally my smaller guns targeted the Fenrisian Wolves and managed to kill off the closest unit scoring me 1st Blood as well.
With nothing in range for a charge that was the end of my turn as well. This was a very slow start to a game.
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End of Imperium turn 2 |
Without much of a plan of what to do the Imperial forces fell back to hold and try and take out my long range fire power that was limited before coming after me.
The Stormwolf was the only real long range threat in the Imperial army but after a few bad rolls it wasn't even able to kill a Scout. It targeted the sniper Scout squad since they had noticed I was using them to shoot the Stormwolf with the missile launcher and the Shield-Captains with the snipers, they were probably more of an annoyance to the Custodians but a krak missile was the biggest threat in my list to the Stormwolf. The snipers proved surprisingly hard to kill though.
With that it was the end of the turn again and we were heading into my second turn.
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End of Flesh Tearers turn 2 |
With them pulling back and making my gunline come to them I had to leave the safety of my forest and head to the them. I left the snipers on my objective and moved the rest of my army up to force them to engage me. I still kept my Death Company just behind as a counter strike to charge anything that got into combat with my squads.
My bolters were out of range so I didn't manage to get any of the Wolves and my snipers failed to score anymore wounds on the Shield-Captains. I had more luck with my the missile launcher and now dropped the Stormwolf to just 5 wounds remaining.
Again I was still not in range to charge anyone so that was the end of my turn. It was still a slow game but either I was going to crash into them or they were going to have to come to me at some point.
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End of Imperium turn 3 |
Now they were backed into a corner the Imperial forces came for me. They moved forwards with the Flyer coming down the board towards my half and and rest coming straight towards me. Njal got out of the Flyer and followed the Custodians.
In the first really successful attack on the Flesh Tearers the Stormwolf took out my Furioso with it's lascannons then took out one of my snipers with the helfrost cannon. The Jetbikers then targeted the bolter Scouts that were at the front of my forces and between the three of them were able to wipe out the whole squad of them.
The battle was finally starting to heat up and with me a Furioso and some Scouts down and them having only lost one unit of Wolves the battle could still go either way.
I had to get into the fight and get the advantage while I could. I moved forwards towards the Custodians with my main force. I then dropped my reserves behind the Stormwolf, it gave them two targets, they could charge the Stormwolf or Njal. I hoped that the Stormwolf would be gone by the time they charged so I could go after the psyker instead.
During the psychic phase I managed to get Shield off on my Sanguinary Guard and more importantly I got smite off and the closest target was the Stormwolf so I knocked a few more wounds off it.
During the shooting phase I managed to kill 3 Wolves from each of the remaining units. The snipers then failed to wound the Shield-Captains again. The missile launcher fired at the Stormwolf and failed to hit, it was an important round and I knew it had to go so I used a command point re-roll and managed to hit it this time, then I wounded and managed to finally managed to kill the flyer.
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End of Flesh Tearers turn 3 |
The assault phase started and with the flyer gone I was free to charge Njal with the Sanguinary Guard. They made the charge and so did the Sanguinary Priest but the Chaplain failed. One of the Shield-Captains heroically intervened. My Death Company failed their charge so didn't get into combat with the Shield-Captains.
In combat I managed to do three wounds to Njal and then the Shield-Captain attacked and took out two of my Sanguinary Guard.
At the end of the turn both units of Wolves failed their moral checks and so were wiped out.
With just the Shield-Captains and Njal left the Imperium's turns were moving faster now. Njal started by falling back out of combat towards the Imperium's objective and their table edge. One of the Shield-Captains charged into my Priest and Sanguinary Guard to help the Jetbike in combat, the other charged my Chaplain.
The Priest and Guard were easily dispatched by the two Shield-Captains and all killed. My Chaplain however put up more of a fight. The Shield-Captain wasn't able to land any wounds on him and in return he did two wounds to the Custodian.
At the end of their turn I still had a numbers advantage but had to deal with the Dawneagle Jetbikes fast. If I took too long they would slowly take down my force until I wasn't able to do enough damage to kill them.
For my turn I concentrated fire on the Custodians. My force carried on moving forwards to get into range of them and then I open up on one of the bikes. My snipers did two moral wounds with their rifles as did a smite from the Librarian and a krak missile hit the same biker knocking him down to just one wound left. The storm bolter and boltguns from my Captain and Death Company and pistols from they Scouts weren't able to take the final wound off the Shield-Captain so I would have to deal with him another way.
In the charge phase I decided split my forces. My Scouts charged the injured bike while my Death Company charged the other (the Warlord). This meant I had all three Shield-Captains in close combat and would each keep the pressure on them enough to take them out or I was just feeding my units to the Custodians who could kill my army bit by bit.
In close combat things went well to start with, my Scouts were able to take the final wound off one of the Shield-Captains and kill him. I then consolidated them into the Warlord to back up the Death Company if they survived until the next fight phase.
My Death Company weren't as lucky and not only didn't manage to wound the warlord but also lost three of the unit when he attacked back. My Chaplain on the other hand was able to finish off the Shield-Captain he had been in combat with and moved over to help against the warlord.
It was looking good now, I had killed two of the Shield-Captains so only one left and I wasn't as worried about them eating through the rest of my forces before the end of the game.
Realising that they couldn't deal with my army when it was all together the Shield-Captain fell back out of combat and back into their objective securing that if the game ended after this turn. They planned to try and take my close combat units out at range before coming for my longer range units.
It started well. The Shield-Captain was able to shoot and kill the last of my Death Company and Njal shot and cast smite on my Chaplain taking him down to just two wounds.
That was the end of their turn and at this point I wasn't too worried. I didn't think Njal was going to last much longer and while the Dawneagle Jetbike could easily kite around my units shooting them with it's hurricane bolter I was confident it wouldn't be able to get through all my units before the game ended and wouldn't be able to hold enough objectives to beat me on points.
For my turn 5 I had to keep the pressure on and assume that the game could end after this go. With that I decided to move the Scouts and Chaplain towards the Shield-Captain. Even if I couldn't take him out I could at least contest the Objective he was holding if I could survive. My Librarian moved towards Njal for a psychic show down and my Captain continued up the board. Given how effective my Captain had been in the last game, killing multiple HQ units, this game the Imperial forces had been really good and moving and keeping him out of the fight, taking advantage of how slow he was compared to them. He had basically spent this whole game following them around the board, unable to catch up.
Njal was able to deny all my psykers attempts at casting powers and was able to avoid his plasma pistol as well. Similarly I wasn't able to damage the Shield-Captain with my shooting attacks. I was going to have to rely on close combat.
I charged my Chaplain and Scouts into the Shield-Captain. Both made it and this meant I contested the Objective and my Scouts would benefit from my Chaplain's re-rolls. I also tried to charge my Librarian into Njal but failed the charge roll.
In combat my Chaplain was able to put another 2 wounds onto the Shield-Captain but in return was killed by the Warlord.
I was really hoping the game would end here with a victory for me, we rolled for it and it was going to carry on into turn 6.
With turn 6 starting the Custodian broke off from combat and headed towards my Warlord. Njal moved up towards my Librarian and tried to smite him but was denied by my psyker.
The Shield-Captain shot his hurricane bolter into my Scouts hoping to clear them off of his Objective but was only able to kill two of them.
With the charge phase Njal charged by Librarian and was able to cause a couple of wounds on him without too much problem. In return I wasn't able to do any damage to the Space Wolf.
The Shield-Captain charged my Captain (which I realise now he shouldn't have been able to because he fell out of combat earlier in the round but we both forgot and missed that so it happened). Because I got 1st Blood he needed Slay the Warlord as well as the Objective to draw with me on points so planned to kill my Captain then hope the game went one last turn to pull back, re-take the Objective from the Scouts and get a draw. The Shield-Captain was able to land plenty of hits on my Captain and then the dice turned on me. I had been rolling quite well so far this game but when I went to roll the saves for my Captain the dice betrayed me and I rolled three 1's. My Captain was dead and that gave the Imperial forces Slay the Warlord.
It was my turn 6 and if the game ended now I had it in the bag. If it carried on and the Custodian could get me off his Objective they could draw so I had to play keep playing.
I tried to put all my fire onto the Shield-Captain with the snipers, missile launcher and bolt pistols all shooting at him. I managed to do a single wound to the Custodian but that was it.
In combat I just had my Librarian vs Njal because I couldn't afford to lose the Objective to move after the Custodian (and that probably would have been a stupid idea anyway). My Librarian was able to do a single wound to Njal but not enough to kill him and Njal failed to wound the Librarian so their stalemate continued.
That was the end of the turn and we rolled to see if it would carry on. It didn't, so with two Objectives, Linebreaker and 1st Blood I had 8 Victory Points and the Imperium had 1 VP for Slay the Warlord. Another victory for the Flesh Tearers.
Post Game
Another really good game and I think this one was much closer than our previous match. As I said last time I don't think the Custodian Supreme Command is as effective at 1000 points as it is in larger battles, they really need other targets to force you to split fire.
This was a closer fight and I think they really benefited from having to deal with my units one at a time instead of just throwing themselves into my whole force like last time. Making me come up the board spread me out slightly and allowed them to engage me in more favourable combats.
I was disappointed by my Captain this game. Last game he was a thunder hammer waving hero, this time be basically took a five turn walk before being killed at the first sign of a fight. I know it was partly to do with the Custodians avoiding him and making him useless but maybe a deep strike would have been a better use of him this game. That or go for Slamguinius and give him a jump pack.
Overall I enjoyed myself and I'm pleased that I'm getting used to dealing with Custodians now, my first few battles against them I was starting to think they were unbeatable.
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End of Imperium turn 4 |
At the end of their turn I still had a numbers advantage but had to deal with the Dawneagle Jetbikes fast. If I took too long they would slowly take down my force until I wasn't able to do enough damage to kill them.
For my turn I concentrated fire on the Custodians. My force carried on moving forwards to get into range of them and then I open up on one of the bikes. My snipers did two moral wounds with their rifles as did a smite from the Librarian and a krak missile hit the same biker knocking him down to just one wound left. The storm bolter and boltguns from my Captain and Death Company and pistols from they Scouts weren't able to take the final wound off the Shield-Captain so I would have to deal with him another way.
In the charge phase I decided split my forces. My Scouts charged the injured bike while my Death Company charged the other (the Warlord). This meant I had all three Shield-Captains in close combat and would each keep the pressure on them enough to take them out or I was just feeding my units to the Custodians who could kill my army bit by bit.
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End of Flesh Tearers turn 4 |
My Death Company weren't as lucky and not only didn't manage to wound the warlord but also lost three of the unit when he attacked back. My Chaplain on the other hand was able to finish off the Shield-Captain he had been in combat with and moved over to help against the warlord.
It was looking good now, I had killed two of the Shield-Captains so only one left and I wasn't as worried about them eating through the rest of my forces before the end of the game.
Realising that they couldn't deal with my army when it was all together the Shield-Captain fell back out of combat and back into their objective securing that if the game ended after this turn. They planned to try and take my close combat units out at range before coming for my longer range units.
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End of Imperium turn 5 |
That was the end of their turn and at this point I wasn't too worried. I didn't think Njal was going to last much longer and while the Dawneagle Jetbike could easily kite around my units shooting them with it's hurricane bolter I was confident it wouldn't be able to get through all my units before the game ended and wouldn't be able to hold enough objectives to beat me on points.
For my turn 5 I had to keep the pressure on and assume that the game could end after this go. With that I decided to move the Scouts and Chaplain towards the Shield-Captain. Even if I couldn't take him out I could at least contest the Objective he was holding if I could survive. My Librarian moved towards Njal for a psychic show down and my Captain continued up the board. Given how effective my Captain had been in the last game, killing multiple HQ units, this game the Imperial forces had been really good and moving and keeping him out of the fight, taking advantage of how slow he was compared to them. He had basically spent this whole game following them around the board, unable to catch up.
Njal was able to deny all my psykers attempts at casting powers and was able to avoid his plasma pistol as well. Similarly I wasn't able to damage the Shield-Captain with my shooting attacks. I was going to have to rely on close combat.
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End of Flesh Tearers turn 5 |
In combat my Chaplain was able to put another 2 wounds onto the Shield-Captain but in return was killed by the Warlord.
I was really hoping the game would end here with a victory for me, we rolled for it and it was going to carry on into turn 6.
With turn 6 starting the Custodian broke off from combat and headed towards my Warlord. Njal moved up towards my Librarian and tried to smite him but was denied by my psyker.
The Shield-Captain shot his hurricane bolter into my Scouts hoping to clear them off of his Objective but was only able to kill two of them.
With the charge phase Njal charged by Librarian and was able to cause a couple of wounds on him without too much problem. In return I wasn't able to do any damage to the Space Wolf.
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End of Imperium turn 6 |
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Betrayed by the Dice |
It was my turn 6 and if the game ended now I had it in the bag. If it carried on and the Custodian could get me off his Objective they could draw so I had to play keep playing.
I tried to put all my fire onto the Shield-Captain with the snipers, missile launcher and bolt pistols all shooting at him. I managed to do a single wound to the Custodian but that was it.
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End of Flesh Tearers turn 6 |
That was the end of the turn and we rolled to see if it would carry on. It didn't, so with two Objectives, Linebreaker and 1st Blood I had 8 Victory Points and the Imperium had 1 VP for Slay the Warlord. Another victory for the Flesh Tearers.
Post Game
Another really good game and I think this one was much closer than our previous match. As I said last time I don't think the Custodian Supreme Command is as effective at 1000 points as it is in larger battles, they really need other targets to force you to split fire.
This was a closer fight and I think they really benefited from having to deal with my units one at a time instead of just throwing themselves into my whole force like last time. Making me come up the board spread me out slightly and allowed them to engage me in more favourable combats.
I was disappointed by my Captain this game. Last game he was a thunder hammer waving hero, this time be basically took a five turn walk before being killed at the first sign of a fight. I know it was partly to do with the Custodians avoiding him and making him useless but maybe a deep strike would have been a better use of him this game. That or go for Slamguinius and give him a jump pack.
Overall I enjoyed myself and I'm pleased that I'm getting used to dealing with Custodians now, my first few battles against them I was starting to think they were unbeatable.
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