I got the chance to go to Warhammer Fest 2018 and thought I'd write a little about my time there. I won't be cover all the announcements here just my time there. If you are looking for announcements please check out the other news sites or Warhammer Community page.
Day 1
1st day we spent most of the morning just looking around and seeing what was there. We wanted to book in to the new & upcoming releases seminar but it was full by the time we go there. We did book into the video game seminar for later in the day.
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Cosplay |
After looking about for a bit we had seen most of the different sections. We decided to spend a bit of time watching the tournament games which was really good fun. None of the players minded people watching or even asking questions, but obviously we were careful not to interrupt anything. I liked seeing what people were running as competitive lists, Custodians seemed really popular so were Guard, Craftworld and Dark Eldar and Death Guard. But almost every army was represented, including a really cool Ork army with Chinorks made from converted Kharadron Overlords Arkanaunt airships.
When it was time for the Video Games Seminar it had been cancelled and replaced last minute with a talk/Q&A with a designer from Cubicle 7, the designers of the upcoming Warhammer Fantasy RPG 4th Edition. I was disappointed because I am interested in a few of the upcoming GW video games but I have been looking into the new Warhammer RPG so it was good to find out more. It looks like it will be as gritty and deadly as the 1st two editions with some more streamlining and expanded class system. It will still have the old careers including ratcatcher which is good.
After I watched a bit more of the tournament games then decided to play a few of my own.
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Gaming Hall |
Next I played 1000 points against a Salamanders force made of the Dark Imperium box set and a Predator. It was a much more balanced game but my luck was really not in. First 5 Death Company charged 5 Intercessors and were wiped out without causing a wound, he got really lucky with overwatch and then my surviving 3 didn't cause a single wound before I was attacked back and wiped out.
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Adeptus Titanicus |
Day 2
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1st Render of the new Sisters of Battle Models |
We spent a bit of time watching the tournament games which was really good. I liked seeing good players playing and seeing the lists they used. Turns out the Ork army with the converted Chinorks won the tournament which was good because it was a beautiful army. I was actually impressed with the painting standard on all the tournament armies, I knew some would be well painted but expected some people to just have the old "3 colours and go" paint scheme but I didn't see a single one that looked rushed or badly painted.
I also had a go on Battle Fleet Gothic Amanda 2 which was fun but having never played it of the 1st game before I didn't really get what I was meant to be doing so did badly, it wasn't a tutorial mission so I was thrown in with now introduction to what I was meant to do or how to play.
After a short visit to the Forge World shop to pick up a few bits we set up for a couple of games ourselves. I will do full write ups for these two because I took photos for them so will won't talk about them too much because I will do it in the next few weeks, skip the rest of this section if for some reason you care enough and you want to read the full battle reports (which will be my next two posts, next Monday and the Monday after) without spoilers.
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1st look at the next Blood Bowl team to be released Dark Elves |
Game one I was worried from the start. I didn't think I had enough in my lists to deal with the Custodian HQs and when I was charged by them I didn't think I would survive. However I managed to hold out and pile more into the combat which allowed me to slowly overwhelm the Shield-Captains on Dawneagle jetbikes, once I started killing them off the Imperium list slowly started to fall apart and I ended up tabling them.
Next the Imperium list was changed up slightly and a Stormwolf flyer and Njal were added instead of two of the Custodian Shield-Captains. Again I really didn't know how I'd deal with the flyer with just 1000 points and very little heavy firepower. As it turned out my Scout missile launcher was stupidly accurate and hit almost every time and I was able to take down the Stormwolf fairly fast. I had set up in a firebase with my combat units ready to counter attack but this time my opponent tried to hold back rather than come towards me and get shot/charged. I ended up having to move up the board to chase him but again as I started killing Shield-Captains the list started to fall apart and I ended up winning the game on points.
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Upcoming Necron Super Heavy from Forge World |
After we had to leave, it was about 3pm and the hall closed at 4pm Sunday anyway and we needed to get back down to London so headed off.
My Thoughts
I really liked Warhammer Fest. I had a great weekend and would do it again.
If I was to do it again I think I would take a better list, I didn't really want to carry to many models around so only took what I could fit in my small case but we ended up leaving models in the car until we wanted to use them so it wouldn't have been a problem and I would have liked to have a competitive game against new people. It was fun playing armies I don't normally and against people I haven't before so that was good fun and something I'd like to do again.
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Event Exclusive Models |
So yeah it was a good weekend and something I would recommend it you like GW games. There are things I would do differently if I did it again but I am glad I did it.
For more info about what was announced at Warhammer Fest look at the Warhammer Community Live Blog. All Pictures are from the Warhammer Community page because I forgot to take any myself other than of my own battles on day 2.
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