"How I Became Santa" Weapons List

Ginger bread shuriken
Yule Log Cannon
It's a wonderful knife
Snow globe Molotov
Tripwire jiggle bells
A potato
A cup of scolding hot coco
Audrey II Mistletoe
Christmas light nunchakus
Roasted Chestnut Spud Gun
Chocolate chip cookie that makes you giant
Rabid miniature reindeer
Grappling hook candy cane
Santa Claws
"the Nutcracker" A baseball bat wrapped in Tinsel
Candy Cane Crossbow
Ornament Shrapnel Grenades
Eggnog Grenade
Snowball Cannon
Sharp Candy Cane
Acid Mince Pie
A lump of coal in a sock
Lollipop Axe
Scarf of Decapitation
Tinsel Whip
Reindeer flying dust
Wrapping paper restraints
Throwing Star of Bethlehem
Icicle Harpoon
Wreath of Barbed Wire
Diabetes Inducing Sugarplum
Reindeer poop Grenade
Bauble Grenade
Quality Street Mini-gun (purple ones do double damage if you have a nut allergy)
Wind up nativity scene claymore
Holly wrapped boxing gloves
Turkey Dirty Bomb
Sack-tchel Charges
Gravy thrower
Sprout Slingshot

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