Tuesday 27 December 2016

My Collection Ranking 27/12/2016

So today I found a link to a site which helps you rank your board game collection.  It works by taking the list of games you want to rank and pulling two of them up and asking you which of the two you prefer.  When you select one of the two a new pair are put up for you to compare.  This can take a while especially for large collections but once you have answered all of the questions it gives you a list of board games in order of preference.

The link to do this yourself is http://www.pubmeeple.com/board-game-ranking-engine/

For this list I imported my collection from Board Game Geek.  Then I cut out games that I haven't played yet and expansions.  For my comparisons I just picked which of the two games I'd rather play if I was given a choice with no other factors taken into consideration (available space and time etc) and assumed I had my preferred player count for each game.  I also assumed I'd have access to any expansions I own for each game (Ticket to Ride for example I considered any of the map packs I own and Marvel Legendary includes all the expansions I own).

Read More for my list.

Rank   Game
1          Blood Rage
2          Eldritch Horror
3          Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
4          Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game
5          Dead Men Tell No Tales
6          DC Comics Dice Masters: Justice League
7          Warhammer 40,000 (Seventh Edition)
8          Sheriff of Nottingham
9          Spyfall
10        King of Tokyo
11        Ticket to Ride
12        Vault Wars
13        One Night Ultimate Werewolf
14        Red November
15        Revolution!
16        Carcassonne
17        Crimson Creek
18        Welcome to the Dungeon
19        Munchkin Deluxe
20        BANG! The Dice Game
21        Coup: The Resistance Universe
22        Zombie Dice
23        Geek Out!
24        Mafia de Cuba
25        Marvel Dice Masters: Uncanny X-Men
26        Smash Up
27        One Night Ultimate Vampire
28        Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game
29        The Witches: A Discworld Game
30        Zombies!!!
31        Evil Baby Orphanage

I think it has done a pretty good job at ranking my games.  It is definitely a good list.  Being low doesn't mean I don't like the game because it wouldn't be in my collection if I didn't.

The biggest shock was how far apart DC Dice Masters (6th) and Marvel Dice Masters (25th) are.  I think this might be to do with the size of my collections.  I have far more DC dice and have been playing with them long so have better sets of cards and dice that work well together.  I like the game either way but I think if I was asked I'd rather play with the DC set because I have more choice to play with and a smaller choice with Marvel means I picked other games over it a lot.

This is definitely something I'd like to do again, maybe to see how the list changes when more games are added and to see whether games move up or down in time.  I might also do it with my played games list instead of my collection to get a fuller list of games.

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