Wednesday, 16 July 2014

"Spread Out!!" Flesh Tearers and Space Wolves Vs Chaos and Necrons

This game was another 2v2, this time my Flesh Tearers and friends Space Wolves against a Slaanesh Chaos and Necron force.  Each player had 500pts.  We decided not to use Tactical objectives and just rolled for D6 objective markers, getting 3.  Each team would get a Victory Point for each unit destroyed, each object held when the game ended, First Blood and Slay the Warlord.

My list was:

  • Librarian with Jump Pack
  • 5 man Assault squad
  • 10 man Tactical Squad with Missile Launcher and Meltagun
  • 5 man Scout Squad with Sniper Rifles and Missile Launcher
Space Wolves had:
  • Wolf Priest
  • 2 Squads of Grey Hunters, 1 in a Rhino
Slaanesh had:
  • Two Noise Marine Squads with 1 Blast Master, 1 power Weapon, 1 Sonic Flamer and 5 Sonic Blasters
  • Chaos Lord with Mark of Slaanesh and Power Weapon.
Necrons had:
  • Lord with Resurrection Orb
  • 10 man Warrior Squad
  • 12 man Warrior Squad
  • Two units of Scarabs, 3 bases each.

We set up along the long table edges.  We had my Scout infiltrate onto the centre ruin and objective marker.  My Tactical Squad holding a ruin with objective in our deployment area.  The Wolf Priest and one unit of grey hunters on our left in a rhino.  My assault squad and librarian were on our right using cover to block all line of sight and the other grey hunters were in the centre.

They deployed a scarab squad on each flank.  Warriors and noise marines sharing a ruin our left and warriors and Necron lord in the Chaos Shrine on our right (with an objective markers).  The Chaos Lord was with a noise marine squad in the centre.

We decided that we were going to use the speed of our force to strike hard on one flank hopefully leaving half their force out of the battle.  We moved the Rhino forwards on our left flank with the tactical squad giving covering fire.  My assault marines jumped too the left flank and then ran behind another ruin to keep line of sight blocked.  My scouts began shooting and the grey hunters on foot moved forwards.

The scarabs started moving down each flank, one unit engaging the rhino but only managing to reduce its amour not destroy it.  The rest of their force just stood and shot at us.  My Space Wolf ally clearly hadn't been watching my last match and how affective the noise marine blast template weapons are at killing space marines because his grey hunters unit was bunched up close together.  This resulted in his unit being almost wiped out and left with only 4 men.  My scouts were also hit by fire and took a few casualties.

The ruined grey hunters took a lead from my Flesh Tears and ran behind a ruin to block line of sight to the noise marines.  The other grey hunters jumped out their rhino, which was subsequently destroyed, and opened fire of the noise marines in the ruin, killing 3 of them.  My assault marines were charged the scarabs by the rhino wiping them out before preparing to assault squads in the ruins.

The Necrons in the shrine started moving forward with there lord in order to counter the units trying to hold on our right flank.  The remaining scarabs assaulted the 4 grey hunters losing a base in the process.  Next it was the other grey hunters unit's turn to be shoot and it seems they hadn't learnt from the fate of there battle brothers as they were packed close together and the noise marines in the ruin managed to get half the unit under the sonic flamer template, combined with shooting from the necron warriors and the grey hunters were reduced to half strength.  As soon as the flamer template was put down I was screaming "Didn't you learn from last turn? Spread out!".  Too late, remind me to bring lots of template weapons next time I fight him.  Regardless our left flank was still in a strong position and the centre/right just needed to hold.

Our turn and our force hit them properly on the left.  During shooting we concentrated as much as we could on the two squad in the ruin.  My scouts and tactical carried on taking pot shots at the noise marines while trying to stay out of sight.  The grey hunters were trying to work their way through the scarabs.  The grey hunters assaulted what was left of the noise marines in the ruins and finished them off.  My assault squad charged into the warrior squad, cutting most of them down but not quite finishing them off.

The second noise marine squad moved towards the ruins and finished off the last grey hunters there and the warriors and Necron lord joined the scarabs in combat with the grey hunters.  As the turn drew to a close there were only a few necrons left in combat with the assault squad and the grey hunters were holding out against the necrons they were out numbered and taking casualties but were holding them in place.

My assault marines finished off the last of the necrons in the ruins and then moved to the other side of the ruin, blocking line of sight for the noise marines shooting phase.  The grey hunters carried on holding against the necrons, they were down to the last space marine but he kept them in combat.

With the last grey hunter killed it was only Flesh Tearers left on our side.  My assault marines jump back over the ruin and charged the noise marines.  They won the round of combat but were unable to wipe out the squad.  

We roll off to see if we play another turn, and we don't so the game ends.  My scouts and tactical squads are both still holding an objective marker.  We count up the victory points and it ends up 6-5 to me and the space wolves.  It was a close game, maybe it wouldn't have be as close if Space Wolves were given some basic training in squad cohesion, maybe Russ was too busy getting tanks named after him to put that on the syllabus. 

It was a good game and fun, I did better against noise marines than in my previous fight and I am sort of glad I assaulted the necron Warriors without the Lord with them with my Librarian since that caused me issues last time I fought them.

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