Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Getting back into it.

So these first few posts are back dating a few battles since I started my Flesh Tearers army (counts as Blood Angels).  These are a few months ago and are largely from memory so forgive me if they are brief or include gaps.

This post will cover my Flesh Tearers first two matches, both 500pts, 1st against Chaos and 2nd Necrons. These were both during 6th Edition, but because we weren't all up to date (I had only just returned to the hobby and hadn't read the 6th Edition rules yet) we used the 5th Edition rules.

1st off, Chaos.  My list included 1 jump pack Librarian, 5 Assault Marines, 10 man Tactical Squad with meltagun and missile launcher and 5 man Scout Squad with sniper rifles and missile launcher.  My opponent had a winged Daemon Prince and 2 6-8 man Squads (I can't remember off the top of my head) 1st Plague Marines with a power fist, 2nd Khorne Berserkers.  We deploy and get started.  I have set my tactical squad back in cover on the centre/right and my scouts in a ruin slightly further forward and on the right flank.  My Librarian is with the assault marines on my left flank.  His has plague marines on my left, berserkers centre and prince to my right.

The battle was quick, I started moving the assault squad down the flank, using cover to avoid  incoming fire and ruins to try and circle around his berserkers, I wanted to let them take as much fire as possible from the tactical squad before they got into combat.  My tactical squad are shooting at his berserkers and and the scouts are using krak missiles to try and knock a few wounds off the prince before he hits combat.  My assault marines hit his plague marine squad and I learn a fun thing about Chaos, unlike Blood Angels who have Bolter and Bolt pistol they have Bolter, Bolt pistol and Close Combat Weapon so get +1 attack which my tactical marines don't.  I had expected my Assault marines to have more attacks to over come the higher toughness of plague marines, but didn't.  His Prince has lost a wound to the scouts but has made it into combat with them as well and this Berserkers have realised that they have a lot of open ground to cover between them and my tactical squad who are wearing them down with bolter fire so have turned back to assist the plague marines.

After a bit of back and forth the assault marines and Librarian win the combat against the plague marines, but I have taken a few casualties, just in time to charge his berserkers who have lost a few men as well. My scouts lost combat and broke, the Prince decided to ignore them and moved towards the tactical squad.  This gave me one turn of shooting to hit him with both tactical and what was left of the scout squad before he charged.  This is pretty much carried on until the game ended, his berserkers won the combat with the librarian and assault squad and held an objective his plague marines had failed to hold and his prince was locked in combat with the last scout after wiping out the tactical squad.  There are things I learnt, check opposition codex so I don't underestimate them like I did with his prince and plague marines, but I feel I was unlucky with a few rolls as well.

Next up Necrons, I was using the same list, my opponent had two 10 man Necron Warrior squads a Lord with resurrection orb and mind scarabs and a 5 man scarab squad.  I deployed my scouts in cover (3+ cover save after the bonus for the camo cloaks) on my left flank on top of an objective with a large open area in front of them, my Assault squad were close to them and my Tactical marines were on the right with a ruin that had 1 of the other objectives in it just in front of them.  The plan was to move the tactical squad forwards to some cover in front of the object and then full back in the last turn so I held 2 of 3 objective and just hit them down at range while using my assault squad + librarian to attack her warrior squad that isn't on her objective (I guessed that given a slow army she wouldn't try and do a last minute objective grab and would just hold the objective through the game).   She deployed her Lord in a warrior squad in the centre/left and another warrior squad in a ruin in the centre (with the objective).  Her scarabs were behind cover out of line of sight for anything to her right flank to try and avoid any incoming fire until she was ready to use them to react else where on the board.

The battle started and we both more or less stuck to our battle plans, my tactical squad moved forwards and took the cover in front of the objective and settled down to lay as much bolter fire into her lord's squad as possible.  The scouts started shooting at the Warriors in the ruin that were holding the objective (the sniper rifles longer range meant I could hit them and they couldn't reach to shoot back) and the assault marines used their speed to move from my left flank to right and then up the board towards her lord+warrior squad.  She was playing conservatively, holding back and shooting from her own deployment zone, her scarabs still sitting out of line of sight.

My Librarian and Assault squad get into combat with her lord and warriors, I'm out numbered (6vs11) but with my librarian giving my assault squad re-rolls to hit with Unleash Rage and you know...being genetically engineered super solders with a universally famous blood lust, I thought I should be OK.  I suffered the same issue I did in my Chaos battle, I didn't know how her armies units worked, in this case mind scarabs.  A leadership test shouldn't be a problem as I have high leadership, but this is a leadership test of 3D6 instead of 2, my librarian did more damage to my own squad than he did to the Necrons, combine that with Necrons always standing back up after you kill them and after about 3 turns I actually lost the combat.

By this time the scarabs had started moving over towards my tactical squad and my scouts had carried on shooting the warriors on the objective.  It was only a few turns left and when the scarabs charged the Tactical Marines.  My tactical squad were making short work of the scarabs but it was too late, the scarabs were holding up my tactical squad while the Lord and few remaining warriors went round the outside of the combat to take the 2nd objective just in time for the game to finish.  The scouts sniper fire wasn't enough to force them off the objective and the game ended with only 1 scarab left but still forcing my tactical squad to be locked in combat.

So that was my 1st two games with my Blood Angels and my 1st two games after a long break from 40K.  I lost both, but will soon be back for more.

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