Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Flesh Tearers VS Space Wolves

So this is the last of my catch up posts.  As you can tell if you read the rest of my catch up posts my Flesh Tearers haven't been having the best of luck, 0 Wins and 3 Losses.  So now it's 1 on 1 with my ally from the last battle (Flesh Tearers & Space Wolves VS Chaos Space Marines & Space Wolves) and I'm hoping to turn my fortunes around.

Just to add the disclaimer again, this battle was a few weeks ago before I started writing these battle reports and so most of it is being done from memory so some areas might be a bit vague or wrong, this should be the last one though.

This time it was a 1500pts fight.
I brought:

  • Librarian with Jump Pack
  • Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack
  • Chaplain with Jump Pack
  • 10 man Tactical Squad with missile launcher and meltagun
  • 10 man Tactical Squad with missile launcher and plasma gun
  • 10 man Assault Squad with power fist
  • 10 man Death Company with Jump Packs, thunder hammer and power fist
  • 5 man Scout Squad with missile launcher, camo cloaks and sniper rifles
  • Vindicator with Siege Shield
The Librarian and Sanguinary Priest go in the assault squad to buff them (Shield and Unleash Rage as well as FNP) and the Chaplain was with the Death Company.  The 3 ICs stay with the squads for the whole game so if I refer to either squad the Characters will be with them.

The Space Wolves brought a Wolf Lord on a wolf with 2 wolf riders (I don't know their proper names), a unit of wolfs (again don't know their proper names), a 15 man Blood Claw squad with a Rune priest in and land raider crusader, 10 man grey hunters squad in rhino and 10 grey hunters in drop pod.

We were deploying on the short table edge again and were using 6 objectives.  We are using 6th Edition again and rolled a scenario were Heavy Support choices score double Victory Points when they hold a objective as well as Line Breaker and 1st Blood.

I set up with my Scout Squad on a ruin with a objective (3+ cover saves with their camo cloaks).  My Death Company on the far right with the Assault Squad right behind them with a ruin to there left.  One tactical squad was in a ruin in my deployment zone that had an objective in as well, the other was behind a ruin in the centre ready to move either way they were needed.  My Vindicator was next to the tactical squad in the centre behind the ruin.

My opponent was worried about the Vindicator and pretty much hide everything.  His wolf lord and rhino were right at the back on his deployment zone tucked out of line of sight and his wolves and land raider were on my right flank again staying out of sight, but right in front of my Death Company.  The game kicks off and I use the Blood Angels "fast" tanks to move forward and get line of sight on the wolfs+land raider. The shot scatters so misses his Land Raider but kills a couple of wolves.  My Death Company and Assault squads start move towards the wolves and land raiders.  He then unloads the Blood Claws right in front of me, 3+ armour and Feel No Pain keeps my death company alive.  My Vindicator isn't so lucky, the Rhino shoots forwards and unloads the Grey Hunters, just inside meltagun range.  Bye Bye Vindicator.  I decided to get my own back, a shooting phase and then charge into the Blood Claws with my Death Company and I manage to wipe the whole squad out in one round of combat including the rune priest that was with them. The Assault squad jump round and get into combat with wolves.  It took 2 rounds of combat but managed to get them down to one wolf, who broke from combat and spent the rest of the game running back to his table edge.

After finishing the wolfs my Assault squad jumped to the other side of the board to assault the Grey Hunters on the left side.  The Death Company jumped to the back of his deployment zone and got into combat with the Wolf Lord and Wolf Riders.  This left the Land Raider to hold an object and try and shoot my scouts, who managed to hold with the 3+ cover saves.  The assault squad got through the Grey Hunters but not before the Wolf Lord hand taken out the Death Company and started to move up to help the grey hunters.  He was too late and the Assault Squad finished them off and charged the Wolf Lord and Riders, this gave us a Warlord Vs Warlord combat.

It was here things stopped going so well for me, the drop pod came in from reserve in my back field the grey hunters started to shoot the tactical squad I had holding the objective, the rhino that was now empty moved in the way to block my second tactical squad shooting to help them out.  We were now holding an objective each (his was held by a heavy support so was worth double VP) and the dropped Grey hunters and my tactical squad were fighting on another.

Wolf Lord & Wolf Riders Vs Librarian, Sanguinary Priest and Assault Squad, this was a combat that could have gone either way.  Both sides were wearing each other down and it took 3 or 4 rounds of combat before I came out on top.  However both my Priest and Librarian were dead and my squad was left with 3 marines.  We have both got the Warlord kill and I'd managed to wipe out his Wolf riders.

While that was happening the Land Raider final managed to roll a few good shoots and took the whole Scout Squad out in one turn of shooting, costing me an objective marker in the process.  The combat between Grey Hunters and Tactical Marines had not gone in my favour either.  With the game possible ending and scores so close I started looking for easy Victory Points.  My remain tactical squad moved up to the object the scouts lost to hold that and started taking snap shots at the rhino to try and get the VP for killing that.  My assault squad jump into a ruin (and lost one guy to finishing a move of difficult terrain) inside the Space Wolf deployment zone and took the objective in it, giving me the VPs for line breaker (ending game with a unit in opposition deployment zone) and holding the objective.  Turn 5 ended.

We rolled to see if the game would end and it did.  After adding up the final Victory Points I had won by one point.  I'm actually not sure I would have won if the game had carried on.  Hopefully I would have taken out the Rhino or Drop pod before they could move me off an objective so might have won but I am glad it finished then and not risking another turn.

So it was close but it was a win, my Flesh Tearers are now 1-0-3.

Main thing I took away was it was the 1st time using the Vindicator (or any non-transport tank) and I need to more careful with them especially if there are meltas running around the board.  I need to check they can't reach me, not just guess they can't and hope.  I also need to stop over estimating Death Company, they are a really strong assault unit but can't just take on anything that comes along.  They seem to be better taking out large weak units (like the blood claws) than tough elite units (like the Wolf Lord and Riders).

Over all a great game and a good first win for the Flesh Tearers.  This is the last of my battle reports from memory, so hopefully others might be a bit easier to follow.

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