I Brought:
- Librarian with Jump Pack
- Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack
- Chaplain with Jump Pack
- 10 man Tactical Squad with Missile Launcher, Meltagun and Meltabombs
- 10 man Tactical Squad with Missile Launcher and Plasma Gun
- 10 man Assault Squad with Power Fist
- 10 man Death Company with Jump Packs 1 Thunder Hammer and 1 Power Fist
- 5 man Scout Squad with Missile Launcher, Camo Cloaks and Sniper Rifles.
- Vindicator with Siege Shield
The Slaanesh force was:
- Two Squads of 10 Noise Marines with 7 Sonic Blasters, 2 Blast Masters, 1 Sonic Flamer and Power Weapon and Icon of Excess. One squad was in a Rhino
- 5 Havocs with 3 Missile Launchers and 1 Lascannon
- 9 Choosen with Mark of Slaanesh, Icon of Excess, 5 Power Weapons and Lucius the Eternal in a Rhino
- 5 Bikes with Mark of Slaanesh, Icon of Excess, 2 Meltaguns and 1 Power Weapon.
My Death Company and Chaplain are on my Right, and Priest, Librarian and Assault Squad on my left behind the Vindicator. My Tactical Squad in the ruin have the Meltagun. Scouts infiltrated onto the hill. He has Noise Marines in the ruin at the back in the centre (hard to see in photo) and the second squad in the Rhino next to them. Lucius and Chosen are in the Rhino by the Bikers.
So the game kicks off and I roll some good tactical objectives to start with. One of my objectives was to hold any 3 objective markers. You can see in the picture I deployed on two markers so I had to grab one for D3 Victory Points. I pulled the Vindicator forward so he could hold the objective marker in the Chaos Shrine in the centre and into a perfect position to hit the bikers and kill two of them. Death Company moved forward towards the bikers. I wanted to keep Lucius out of the game for as long as possible so went the opposite side of the tall ruin to keep out of his way and force him to back track to catch up with them. My assault squad moved towards the Noise Marine squads.
With only 3 Bikers left my Death Company charged them and wiped them out. They then moved toward the Havocs. The Chaos were concentrating a lot of fire onto the Vindicator with both the Havocs and one Noise Marine squad shooting at it. They managed to knock 2 hull points off and shake the crew. The other noise marines were shooting at my assault squad and I found out for the first time how devastating Blast Masters are to Space Marines.
It was a good start to the game, I had 1st Blood, rolled 3 Victory Points for holding 3 markers and completed another tactical objective when my Chaplain issued a challenge. This made the score 5-1 in my favour already.
In the Chaos turn they Finally managed to finish the Vindicator off. It may have only killed 2 bikers but it soaked up 2 turns of Havoc fire and 1 turn of noise marine shooting. My Death Company assaulted the Havocs killing three. Lucius's Rhino had turned around and dropped off Lucius and the Chosen so were preparing to assault my Death Company as soon as possible.
Another round of noise marine fire managed to wipe out almost half a tactical squad and inflict more casualties on the assault squad. My Librarian failed his powers to buff the squad and when the assault squad charged the overwatch and higher numbers proved too much and they were wiped out. In response I had taken out the noise marines Rhino and a few noise marines.
I wiped out the Havoc Squad and was counter charged by the Chosen too late to save the heavy weapons. My Death Company managed to kill a few Chosen but was wiped out by Slaanesh's Champion and his retinue. The noise marines managed to finish off one of the tactical squads leaving me with only one tactical squad and my scouts. On the brightside when Lucius rolled for his Chaos boon after winning a challenge he turned into a Chaos spawn.
I had been working constantly on my tactical objectives and doing well. Score was 8-1 in my favour at this point. We were mocking my opponent about this a bit at when he announced that he had worked out he couldn't win on points earlier on and was "Going to table me". Given how affective his noise marines were at killing my marines it was quite possible he could. The game turned into a race, if he could kill me before the final turn he wins, if I survive I win.
At this point it started raining (we were playing outside) so had to run everything in to re-set it up inside.
The Chosen jumped back in their Rhino and started to move towards the tactical squad. The Chaos were shooting at as much as they could with returning fire coming from both my squads trying to survive.
It was turn 5 at this point and all I had to do to win was survive. With a squad of Chosen heading towards me and 2 noise marine squads still shooting. I only had a couple of tactical marines left and 2 scouts, so I decided to do what any of the Emperor's finest warriors would do....hide.
I had taken a few hull points off the Chosen Rhino in my attempts to stop it and slow down the Chosen. My Scouts stayed tucked behind a ruin where none of the noise marines had a line of sight to them.
The Chosen had unloaded and finished off my tactical squad. It was all down to my two scouts. The noise marines had run to get line of sight but that meant they couldn't shoot me this turn. After every turn I'm praying to the Golden Throne that the match ends. My Flesh Tearers had already lost their dignity I didn't want to lose the game as well. Unfortunately the game continued.
The Noise Marines moved around and the Scouts were up against a wall facing a firing squad. I tried to shoot just for my dignity, I couldn't take the whole squad out but I might be able to take one or two down with me. When the firing squad opened up, they managed to take down one scout but failed to kill both. We rolled for the last turn and the Lords of Terra were smiling on me as the game finished. I had survived.
We ended 9-2 to me with only one scout left holding the field. As the dice showed the game ending I cheered and the disappointment on my opponent's face was obvious.
It was a great game. Not my proudest moment but really fun game and so funny to play. I may have won but I do think Slaanesh took the moral victory, but then should Chaos really be going for a moral victory? So guess I win that as well.
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