Wednesday, 16 July 2014

"Spread Out!!" Flesh Tearers and Space Wolves Vs Chaos and Necrons

This game was another 2v2, this time my Flesh Tearers and friends Space Wolves against a Slaanesh Chaos and Necron force.  Each player had 500pts.  We decided not to use Tactical objectives and just rolled for D6 objective markers, getting 3.  Each team would get a Victory Point for each unit destroyed, each object held when the game ended, First Blood and Slay the Warlord.

My list was:

  • Librarian with Jump Pack
  • 5 man Assault squad
  • 10 man Tactical Squad with Missile Launcher and Meltagun
  • 5 man Scout Squad with Sniper Rifles and Missile Launcher
Space Wolves had:
  • Wolf Priest
  • 2 Squads of Grey Hunters, 1 in a Rhino
Slaanesh had:
  • Two Noise Marine Squads with 1 Blast Master, 1 power Weapon, 1 Sonic Flamer and 5 Sonic Blasters
  • Chaos Lord with Mark of Slaanesh and Power Weapon.
Necrons had:
  • Lord with Resurrection Orb
  • 10 man Warrior Squad
  • 12 man Warrior Squad
  • Two units of Scarabs, 3 bases each.

We set up along the long table edges.  We had my Scout infiltrate onto the centre ruin and objective marker.  My Tactical Squad holding a ruin with objective in our deployment area.  The Wolf Priest and one unit of grey hunters on our left in a rhino.  My assault squad and librarian were on our right using cover to block all line of sight and the other grey hunters were in the centre.

They deployed a scarab squad on each flank.  Warriors and noise marines sharing a ruin our left and warriors and Necron lord in the Chaos Shrine on our right (with an objective markers).  The Chaos Lord was with a noise marine squad in the centre.

Monday, 14 July 2014

"Objectives? I'm going to table him" Flesh Tearers Vs Slaanesh

This was a 1500pts game.  We were using Tactical Objectives as Primary Objective and Linebreaker, First Blood and Slay the Warlord as secondary objectives.  My Opponent brought a Slaanesh Chaos Space Marine list.  We were setting up diagonally across the board.

I Brought:

  • Librarian with Jump Pack
  • Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack
  • Chaplain with Jump Pack
  • 10 man Tactical Squad with Missile Launcher, Meltagun and Meltabombs
  • 10 man Tactical Squad with Missile Launcher and Plasma Gun
  • 10 man Assault Squad with Power Fist
  • 10 man Death Company with Jump Packs 1 Thunder Hammer and 1 Power Fist
  • 5 man Scout Squad with Missile Launcher, Camo Cloaks and Sniper Rifles.
  • Vindicator with Siege Shield

The Slaanesh force was:
  • Two Squads of 10 Noise Marines with 7 Sonic Blasters, 2 Blast Masters, 1 Sonic Flamer and Power Weapon and Icon of Excess.  One squad was in a Rhino
  • 5 Havocs with 3 Missile Launchers and 1 Lascannon
  • 9 Choosen with Mark of Slaanesh, Icon of Excess, 5 Power Weapons and Lucius the Eternal in a Rhino
  • 5 Bikes with Mark of Slaanesh, Icon of Excess, 2 Meltaguns and 1 Power Weapon.

My Death Company and Chaplain are on my Right, and Priest, Librarian and Assault Squad on my left behind the Vindicator.  My Tactical Squad in the ruin have the Meltagun.  Scouts infiltrated onto the hill.  He has Noise Marines in the ruin at the back in the centre (hard to see in photo) and the second squad in the Rhino next to them.  Lucius and Chosen are in the Rhino by the Bikers.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Flesh Tearers Vs Space Wolves 1000pts

This was our first battle under 7th Edition rules, 1000pts against a Space Wolves army.  It was also our first try at tactical objectives.  The primary objective was to complete as many tactical objectives as possible with Linebreaker, First Blood and Slay the Warlord as secondary objectives.

So I brought my 1000pts list
  • Librarian with Jump Pack
  • 6 Death Company with Jump Packs
  • 10 Assault Marines with Power Fist
  • 10 Tactical Marines with Meltagun and Missile Launcher
  • 10 Tactical Marines with Flamer and Missile Launcher
  • Dreadnought with Multimelta and Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon (Storm Bolter)
My opponent brought a Wolf Priest, 9 Wolf Guard with combi-plasma guns, 4 power fists and a Rhino, 2 Dreadnoughts with assault cannons, 1 Lone Wolf with terminator armour, lightning claws and 2 wolves, two 5 man Grey Hunter packs and a Fenrisian Wolf Pack.

So we are deploying using the long table edges.  He deployed in one quarter of the board while I spread out a little tucked behind buildings to give me some cover for the opening turn.

Sorry for unpainted models on my part, I haven't finished the army yet.  The Tactical Squad on the right have the flamer, the assault squad are the unit between two tactical squads and the Librarian is with them, Death Company are on the left.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Flesh Tearers VS Space Wolves

So this is the last of my catch up posts.  As you can tell if you read the rest of my catch up posts my Flesh Tearers haven't been having the best of luck, 0 Wins and 3 Losses.  So now it's 1 on 1 with my ally from the last battle (Flesh Tearers & Space Wolves VS Chaos Space Marines & Space Wolves) and I'm hoping to turn my fortunes around.

Just to add the disclaimer again, this battle was a few weeks ago before I started writing these battle reports and so most of it is being done from memory so some areas might be a bit vague or wrong, this should be the last one though.

This time it was a 1500pts fight.
I brought:

  • Librarian with Jump Pack
  • Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack
  • Chaplain with Jump Pack
  • 10 man Tactical Squad with missile launcher and meltagun
  • 10 man Tactical Squad with missile launcher and plasma gun
  • 10 man Assault Squad with power fist
  • 10 man Death Company with Jump Packs, thunder hammer and power fist
  • 5 man Scout Squad with missile launcher, camo cloaks and sniper rifles
  • Vindicator with Siege Shield
The Librarian and Sanguinary Priest go in the assault squad to buff them (Shield and Unleash Rage as well as FNP) and the Chaplain was with the Death Company.  The 3 ICs stay with the squads for the whole game so if I refer to either squad the Characters will be with them.

The Space Wolves brought a Wolf Lord on a wolf with 2 wolf riders (I don't know their proper names), a unit of wolfs (again don't know their proper names), a 15 man Blood Claw squad with a Rune priest in and land raider crusader, 10 man grey hunters squad in rhino and 10 grey hunters in drop pod.

We were deploying on the short table edge again and were using 6 objectives.  We are using 6th Edition again and rolled a scenario were Heavy Support choices score double Victory Points when they hold a objective as well as Line Breaker and 1st Blood.

Flesh Tearers & Space Wolves VS Chaos Space Marines & Space Wolves

Carrying on from my last post this is another update from a battle a few weeks ago and again is from memory so a few details might be off.  I will try and take some pictures in future games to help jog my memory when I write these battle reports and to add so its easier for you to see what is going on, but for now we carry on.

So this battle was 2vs2.  Each player had 1000pts (so 2000pts per side) and it was me with Flesh Tearers and A friend with Space Wolves vs Chaos and Space Wolves.  If you are into fluff in battles just pretend that half were some very bad Space Wolves.  I brought my jump pack Librarian, 2 Tactical Squads (both with missile launchers, one with meltgun and one with flamer), a 10man Assault Squad with power fist, 6 man jump pack Death Company and Dreadnought (multimelta and DCW+Storm Bolter).  Also this game was played using the 6th Edition Rules.

I'll be honest at this point, I can't remember exactly what everyone else brought (I was considering calling all their units "them" or "those" or the funny grey ones but decided to make a bit of an effort).  I believe my ally had a unit of blood claws and a unit of grey hunters as well as a rune priest and land raider crusader.  The opposition Space Wolves had blood claws, grey hunters, long fangs, a rune priest in terminator armour small terminator assault squad with lightning claws.  His Chaos ally brought a Nurgle biker Lord (that's just stupid tough) with a relic weapon flamer and a squad of Nurgle bikers.  After that I remember 2 squads of Chaos Marines but cant remember if they were marked ones or not and a Havok squad.  Like I said, this battle was before I starting writing these reports and this is from memory, in future I will do better I promise.

So the game starts, we are deploying on the short table edges, so have to get the whole length of the board to reach each other.  We set up with ruins blocking line of sight to most of our units and with the land raider providing cover to anyone else (rune priest and blood claws are inside it and my assault squad are hiding behind it.  My Dreadnought is on the right flank with the Death Company, one tactical squad are holding a ruin with a objective and the other are within 2 moves of another ruin mid-table with an objective in it.  They had a grey hunter squad on an objective in there deployment zone and both heavy weapon squads in cover, everything else deployed on our left flank or centre.

Getting back into it.

So these first few posts are back dating a few battles since I started my Flesh Tearers army (counts as Blood Angels).  These are a few months ago and are largely from memory so forgive me if they are brief or include gaps.

This post will cover my Flesh Tearers first two matches, both 500pts, 1st against Chaos and 2nd Necrons. These were both during 6th Edition, but because we weren't all up to date (I had only just returned to the hobby and hadn't read the 6th Edition rules yet) we used the 5th Edition rules.

1st off, Chaos.  My list included 1 jump pack Librarian, 5 Assault Marines, 10 man Tactical Squad with meltagun and missile launcher and 5 man Scout Squad with sniper rifles and missile launcher.  My opponent had a winged Daemon Prince and 2 6-8 man Squads (I can't remember off the top of my head) 1st Plague Marines with a power fist, 2nd Khorne Berserkers.  We deploy and get started.  I have set my tactical squad back in cover on the centre/right and my scouts in a ruin slightly further forward and on the right flank.  My Librarian is with the assault marines on my left flank.  His has plague marines on my left, berserkers centre and prince to my right.