Carrying on from my last post this is another update from a battle a few weeks ago and again is from memory so a few details might be off. I will try and take some pictures in future games to help jog my memory when I write these battle reports and to add so its easier for you to see what is going on, but for now we carry on.
So this battle was 2vs2. Each player had 1000pts (so 2000pts per side) and it was me with Flesh Tearers and A friend with Space Wolves vs Chaos and Space Wolves. If you are into fluff in battles just pretend that half were some very bad Space Wolves. I brought my jump pack Librarian, 2 Tactical Squads (both with missile launchers, one with meltgun and one with flamer), a 10man Assault Squad with power fist, 6 man jump pack Death Company and Dreadnought (multimelta and DCW+Storm Bolter). Also this game was played using the 6th Edition Rules.
I'll be honest at this point, I can't remember exactly what everyone else brought (I was considering calling all their units "them" or "those" or the funny grey ones but decided to make a bit of an effort). I believe my ally had a unit of blood claws and a unit of grey hunters as well as a rune priest and land raider crusader. The opposition Space Wolves had blood claws, grey hunters, long fangs, a rune priest in terminator armour small terminator assault squad with lightning claws. His Chaos ally brought a Nurgle biker Lord (that's just stupid tough) with a relic weapon flamer and a squad of Nurgle bikers. After that I remember 2 squads of Chaos Marines but cant remember if they were marked ones or not and a Havok squad. Like I said, this battle was before I starting writing these reports and this is from memory, in future I will do better I promise.
So the game starts, we are deploying on the short table edges, so have to get the whole length of the board to reach each other. We set up with ruins blocking line of sight to most of our units and with the land raider providing cover to anyone else (rune priest and blood claws are inside it and my assault squad are hiding behind it. My Dreadnought is on the right flank with the Death Company, one tactical squad are holding a ruin with a objective and the other are within 2 moves of another ruin mid-table with an objective in it. They had a grey hunter squad on an objective in there deployment zone and both heavy weapon squads in cover, everything else deployed on our left flank or centre.