Monday 8 January 2018

Top 50 games - Jan 2018

Last year I did a list of my favourite games  using Pub Meeple's Board Game Ranking Engine.  I thought I would do the same thing again this year and see how the list has changed. 

Same as last year I have copied my played games from Board Game Geek I have also removed expansions but did take them into account when picking which game I'd rather play, if I've played an expansion it has been taken into consideration.  If games are similer enough (like different versions of Fluxx, Ticket to ride or Munchkin) I have included them all as one entry, but if they are the same base game but work differently (like One Night Ultimate Werewolf and One Night Ultimate Vampire) I have left them separate.  I have also cut it down to top 50 this year since I was otherwise the list would be a lot longer than last year.

1Warhammer 40,000 (Eighth Edition)
2Blood Rage
3Space Hulk (third edition)
4Fury of Dracula (third edition)
5Eldritch Horror
6Zombicide: Black Plague
7This War of Mine: The Board Game
8Mission: Red Planet (Second Edition)
9XCOM: The Board Game
10Sheriff of Nottingham
10Colt Express
12Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
13Deception: Murder in Hong Kong
14Flash Point: Fire Rescue
15Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game
16Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game
18Warhammer 40,000 (Seventh Edition)
20Legendary Encounters: A Predator Deck Building Game
21Dice Masters
22Quartermaster General
23Plague Inc.: The Board Game
24Captain Sonar
25Star Realms
26Vault Wars
27Red November
29Raise Your Goblets
30One Night Revolution 4
31Corrupted Kingdoms
32Dead Men Tell No Tales
33Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game
34Welcome to the Dungeon
35Portal: The Uncooperative Cake Acquisition Game
37Ticket to Ride
38King of Tokyo
39One Night Ultimate Werewolf
40Space Alert
43BANG! The Dice Game
44Love Letter: Batman
45Mafia de Cuba
46Ca$h 'n Guns (Second Edition)
47King of New York
50The Grizzled

So the biggest change is obviously number 1, Warhammer 40,000 (8th Edition).  The new edition as really revived my interest in the game so it really came in high.  7th Edition on the other hand dropped from 8th to 18th, I just think 8th Edition is a better more streamlined version and I'd rather play it other older versions.

Sheriff of Nottingham has also climbed up while Blood Bowl the Card Game has dropped.  This is probably because I have played Sheriff a lot more this last year.  Space Hulk the Card Game has jumped from 45th last year to 33rd this year.  I haven't played it as much much I think I have got a better grasp on what is quite a difficult co-op game which meant I get more enjoyment out of it.

My top 5 from last year are all in the same order just 2nd-6th now which I think is quite a good thing although it is weird I haven't played anything else this year that has toppled them.  Mission Red Planet, Deception Murder in Hong Kong and Colt Express are all games I played for the 1st time this year that ranked quite highly so that is good because I had looked forward to them for a while, but This War of Mine was the highest new entry at 7th place. 

At the other end, plenty fell off the list from last year because of the new games I played this year that took their place.

Hopefully I will remember and do this again new year because it is interesting to see how my tastes change.

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