Monday 27 June 2016

Red November

 Red November was one of the first board games that interested me but I had some real problems getting hold of it.  Finally I managed to get a copy and have got it on the table enough to feel happy writing about it.

When I first tried to buy it I brought it off Amazon and it never arrived.  I contacted the seller and was refunded but there were no more copies in stock.  For months I kept looking for a copy but everywhere was sold out, or internationally based so shipping was way too high.  When I finally saw a copy for sale that I could get shipped I snapped it up.

So what is the game?  In Red November you are a group of Soviet Gnomes on a nuclear submarine that is in real trouble and you have to try and survive for one hour in order to be rescued.  Problem is not only is oxygen running out, pressure building and nuclear reactors heating but fires are starting, the ship is leaking and somewhere out there is a Kraken hoping to make to make your sub it's "special friend".

Can you keep it in tacked for an hour until you are rescued or will the ship go down? If it does all go Pete Tong will you abandon your comrades and try to make it on your own?

Monday 20 June 2016

Zombicide: Black Plague 1st Impressions

So I have my Zombie Apocalypse survival plan sorted and there are 100s of games out there that let you test how you'd do.  Black Plague is different, most zombie games have a modern or post-apocalyptic theme, Black Plague is a fantasy take on the original Zombicide.

I got the chance to play two games and thought I'd write a bit about my first impression of the game and the changes between this and standard Zombicide.  I haven't played enough for a full review but I can let you know what I think and what happened during our games.