Sunday 17 January 2016

Upcoming Purchases. Jan 2016

I recently went through some new games I was looking forward to in October.  Yesterday I got my hands of the first game off that list and played it, Vault Wars.  I only played one game of it, so wanted to get a few more games of it under my belt before I review it.  It did get me thinking about what games I am thinking about getting next.

Some are the same mentioned in that post, others are older games I have got or haven't played but want to.  I only buy one game a month average, so I am unlikely to get all of these in the next few months, but they are all games I am thinking about getting soon.

I have a long wishlist of games but I have a few, which change from time to time, that make it to my shortlist.  When it comes to buying games I pick one of this smaller list.  This post is that short list as it stands now.

Friday 15 January 2016


This entry I'm going to talk about one of my new favourite party games, Spyfall from Cryptozoic.  It is a relatively simple social deduction game, that can be played over any number of rounds you choose, so one game can be as short or long as you like.

Saturday 2 January 2016

Legendary: Marvel Deck Building Game

I going to talk about one of my most played games, Marvel Legendary from Upper Deck.  It is a deck building game where the players work together to defeat a Mastermind and their scheme.  I had a dilemma when I choose to buy this, I am more of a DC fan than Marvel and there is a DC deck builder as well.  I picked this one in the end because I think the game underneath the theme sounds better.  I haven't played the DC game and might look into it in the future but for now I am happy with this.  I have a few of the expansions to, at the moment Dark City, Paint the Town Red and Guardians of the Galaxy.  I will just be talking about the base game now.