Monday, 17 July 2017

New Edition, New Army?

So with 8th Edition out and my interest in Warhammer 40K reignited I started thinking about starting a new army.  I have liked the idea of an Eldar or Dark Eldar army for a long time and think it might be time to start thinking about one.

So I haven't actually finished getting everything I want for my Flesh Tearers yet but I have got most of the things I want with them.  I have a couple of units I want to add before I start a new army so I won't be starting them just yet but have started thinking about and planning where to start.  I also really want to start a new army just to have something different, I play with Flesh Tearers against mainly Chaos Space Marines and Space Wolves so there isn't a big difference between our armies so I wanted something completely different.  I won't get rid of my Flesh Tearers or stop adding to them but starting a new army with give me more options when I play.

Which Eldar?
So Eldar come in plenty of flavours, Craftworld, Dark Eldar, Harlequins, and now, Ynnari which is a mix of the others that worship the new Eldar God of Death.  I like the idea of all 3 of the main factions so Ynnari seem a great fit for me because I can collect models from any of them and mix them.

I haven't decided how to start them yet though.  I am thinking that I might start with one faction, build up 2000pts or so then move on to another and add them together to make a mixed Ynnari force.  Also with Ynnari there are so many options I think starting with them could get overwhelming so starting slowly with another army and building into Ynnari seems the best way for me to start as I am new to Eldar.

Aeldari/Craftworld Eldar
Craftworld Eldar (or Aeldari as Games Workshop now call them for what I am sure are not just copyright reasons...) are a army I really like the idea of.  The Aspect Warriors are designed for one job and to do that job really really well.  It means bring the right troops for the job which I like the idea of.  They are also fast, like all Eldar which is something I like in my armies, as you can tell from the huge number of Jump Packs in my Flesh Tearers army, but much more ranged focused so still something new.  I also really like Wraith units and would like to get at least a few of them in a Craftworlf or Ynnari force.  My biggest issue with Eldar is that the models for Aspect Warriors are still all Finecast and don't look great, I am hoping that when the 8th Edition Codex is released they are updated with it to multi-part plastic kits.

Drukhari/Dark Eldar
Drukhari (again definity not a name change just so Games Workshop could copyright the name) have some of the best looking models that GW do, or at least I think so.  They look seriously great.  They are also another fast army but with more of a mix of combat and ranged weapons, unlike my current army they are a real glass cannon so you either kill your enemy fast or you will start losing too many models to compete.  You can't use <Coven> units in Ynnari so I will probably just focus on <Kabal> and <Cult> units if I start with Dark Eldar.

I love the idea of a Harlequins force, they are much more close combat focused than the other two but are a really elite force.  They are still a glass cannon but have some very different tricks up their sleeves.  They also have the fewest units to pick from which I think might be a good reason to start with them because I don't have a massive amount of new units to learn to start with.  The speed of the army, open topped transports and the ability to Advance and charge and fallback, shoot and charge as normal means they can pull off some amazing tricks.

So I haven't decided where to start yet but I am thinking about it.  I did try writing a 2000pts list for Harlequins and it looks powerful:

Troupe Master with Fusion Pistol and Harlequin's Kiss
Troupe Master with Fusion Pistol and Harlequin's Caress

4x 5 Player Troupes all with Embraces and Fusion Pistols in Starweavers

2x Death Jesters

2x 3 Player Skyweaver units all with Zephyrglaives

Voidweaver with Prismatic Cannon

As you can see it is a small force for 2000pts and everything is really kitted out but I think it would do well, especially now pistols can be fired in close combat and Troupes can fire out the top of their fast moving open-topped transports.  There is also a huge number of models that have -AP weapons so it will chew through armoured units.  I might start with this or maybe the more forgiving Craftworld Eldar or go with more options for Dark Eldar I don't know yet.

So anyway, I am looking forward to start with Eldar and have been starting to look at colour schemes and things already.  I will probably wait until the Codex start to come out to save buying another Index which will be replaced soon if the speed GW have said the Codex will be released is real.

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