Monday, 24 July 2017

WYSIWYG and Why I Think it is Important

Recently in a 40K Facebook group I'm part of someone asked why does it matter if models are proxies or aren't WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get).  He felt that as long as he told his opponent what the models were meant to represent it didn't matter if they were the right models and that anyone making him do so was just trying to get him to spend more money.  There was a lot of discussion on the issue so I thought I'd talk a little about my thoughts on it.

Monday, 17 July 2017

New Edition, New Army?

So with 8th Edition out and my interest in Warhammer 40K reignited I started thinking about starting a new army.  I have liked the idea of an Eldar or Dark Eldar army for a long time and think it might be time to start thinking about one.

Monday, 10 July 2017

Flesh Tearers Vs Space Wolves 2000pts Ambush

For our second game of 8th Edition we played a 2000pt game using the Ambush scenario with my Flesh Tearers as the attackers.

To win the Space Wolves had to get at least 1/3rd of their starting power points off my short table edge.  I just had to hold them up or destroy them.

Monday, 3 July 2017

1st 8th Edition Game - Flesh Tearers vs Space Wolves 50 Power Level Meatgrinder

So after getting Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition we played our 1st game.  We wrote quick lists based off what we had using power levels.  For our first game we went for 50 Power Level.  We decided to use Power Level just to speed up writing lists since we weren't doing them in advance.

We selected Meat Grinder as the mission with the Space Wolves as the attackers and my Flesh Tearers as defenders.