Back up against the Space Wolves again (they are clearly very bitter about Honour's End). This time we were playing 2000pts Cloak and Shadows with Front-Line Assault deployment. This would be the 1st time using Tactical Objectives in 8th Edition and also the 1st time I'd brought out my new toy, a Stormraven Gunship. This was played pre-Chapter Approved and Blood Angel Codex so we were both still using the Index lists only.
Monday, 11 December 2017
Monday, 13 November 2017
Flesh Tearers Update & A Battle Against The World Eaters
This is going to be a two part post because both will probably be quite short (or at least the 1st part will). First off we are going to do a quick update on my Flesh Tearers after last weeks post and 2nd I'm going to talk a bit about a battle I had a month or so ago that I didn't do a battle report for against a friends World Eaters.
Flesh Tearers,
Games Workshop,
Warhammer 40K,
World Eaters
Monday, 6 November 2017
New Army Ideas - Inquisition
I wrote a little bit a while ago about wanting to start a new army for 8th Edition and how I was thinking of starting a Ynnari army because it gave me a lot of options. Since writing that I have been carrying on with my Flesh Tearers and still have a few more bits to finish with them before I am happy enough with them to move on to something new. I also started to have other ideas floating around in my head of other armies I could build instead. I am not completely off the idea of Eldar but I have starting thinking about maybe doing an Imperial Inquisition army instead.
Monday, 30 October 2017
Flesh Tearers Vs Space Wolves 2000pts Secure and Control
My Flesh Tearers were back in action again against the Space Wolves, my 3rd game against them this edition, after a short break fighting some World Eaters (which I never did a battle report about). We were playing a 2000pts game but on an extremely narrow table, 6' x 2.3', so just over half the normal width. With this in mind we decided to use the narrow board edges as deployment zones as standard so it was another game going the length of the table (3/4 of my 8th edition games have been this way now). This did make manoeuvring around the board harder because it was almost impossible to try and flank the opponents. Still a fun game so I decided to do another battle report on it.
Flesh Tearers,
Games Workshop,
Space Wolves,
Warhammer 40K
Monday, 24 July 2017
WYSIWYG and Why I Think it is Important
Recently in a 40K Facebook group I'm part of someone asked why does it matter if models are proxies or aren't WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). He felt that as long as he told his opponent what the models were meant to represent it didn't matter if they were the right models and that anyone making him do so was just trying to get him to spend more money. There was a lot of discussion on the issue so I thought I'd talk a little about my thoughts on it.
Monday, 17 July 2017
New Edition, New Army?
So with 8th Edition out and my interest in Warhammer 40K reignited I started thinking about starting a new army. I have liked the idea of an Eldar or Dark Eldar army for a long time and think it might be time to start thinking about one.
Games Workshop,
Warhammer 40K,
Monday, 10 July 2017
Flesh Tearers Vs Space Wolves 2000pts Ambush
To win the Space Wolves had to get at least 1/3rd of their starting power points off my short table edge. I just had to hold them up or destroy them.
Blood Angels,
Flesh Tearers,
Games Workshop,
Space Wolves,
Warhammer 40K
Monday, 3 July 2017
1st 8th Edition Game - Flesh Tearers vs Space Wolves 50 Power Level Meatgrinder
So after getting Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition we played our 1st game. We wrote quick lists based off what we had using power levels. For our first game we went for 50 Power Level. We decided to use Power Level just to speed up writing lists since we weren't doing them in advance.
We selected Meat Grinder as the mission with the Space Wolves as the attackers and my Flesh Tearers as defenders.
We selected Meat Grinder as the mission with the Space Wolves as the attackers and my Flesh Tearers as defenders.
Blood Angels,
Flesh Tearers,
Games Workshop,
Space Wolves,
Warhammer 40K
Monday, 26 June 2017
Fallout Wasteland Warfare
War Never Changes, except now it's coming from your PC or Console to your tabletop. Modiphius are currently producing a tabletop miniatures game for the Fallout universe.
I love the Fallout games and have always been a little disappointed that there aren't more games out there based on the IP, I have looked for a Fallout RPG in the past but there aren't any official ones out there. But now we are getting a official miniatures game. The game is currently in closed Beta so we don't know loads of details but I thought I'd talk about what we do know and why I have decided to follow this closely.
I love the Fallout games and have always been a little disappointed that there aren't more games out there based on the IP, I have looked for a Fallout RPG in the past but there aren't any official ones out there. But now we are getting a official miniatures game. The game is currently in closed Beta so we don't know loads of details but I thought I'd talk about what we do know and why I have decided to follow this closely.
Modiphius Entertainment,
Wasteland Warfare
Monday, 19 June 2017
8th Edition First Impressions
Yesterday I picked up the new Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook and Index: Imperium 1 (plus some command dice). I thought I'd share my first impressions of looking through the books and a few things I have noticed.
I will not be talking about the rules much, I have already talked about them a bit when Games Workshop started posting teasers of the new rules and every other blog and news site has already covered them. I'm mainly just going to talk about my thoughts of the books themselves after I had a quick glance over them yesterday. I haven't read everything yet so I will have missed some bits.
I will not be talking about the rules much, I have already talked about them a bit when Games Workshop started posting teasers of the new rules and every other blog and news site has already covered them. I'm mainly just going to talk about my thoughts of the books themselves after I had a quick glance over them yesterday. I haven't read everything yet so I will have missed some bits.
Monday, 12 June 2017
8th Edition Pre-Orders
The latest edition of 40K is just one week away. Pre-orders have been up for a while and it will be released this Saturday. There are already plenty of forums, blogs and pages talking about the rules or whats coming and with the leaks and reviewers and stores already having copies and running demo games there isn't much point me just repeating what has been written about already, instead I though I'd write about the pre-orders and how I'm planning to get into 8th Edition.
Monday, 5 June 2017
Unboxing Urbanmatz Folding Table, Game Mat and Terrain Package Deal
I needed somewhere new to play tabletop games. I only have a small(ish) coffee table that I can play on but I needed a bigger area to play games like Malifaux, Shadow War or Warhammer. I don't have much space in my flat to keep a full sized table so was looking for something that could be folded up and stored somewhere. I started looking around and found a package deal from Urbanmatz. I brought a folding 6x4 table, a 3x3 gaming mat and their pre-painted resin Ruins terrain pack.
The delivery turned up the other day so I thought I'd do another Unboxing post.
The delivery turned up the other day so I thought I'd do another Unboxing post.
Monday, 29 May 2017
Games I Haven't Played, But I'd Like To
It doesn't seem to matter how many games I have or play I there is always something I haven't tried that I want to play. I decided to write a little bit about a few games that have caught my eye recently that I'd like to try. Like the list I posted in January 2016 & October 2015 this is just games I am thinking about at the moment. My mood seems to change faster than I can buy and play games so I may or may not get all or some of these games. There might even be a little cross over with those old lists.
I have decided to split the list into Old, New and Upcoming games and have picked a few from my ever increasing wishlist to talk about here.
I have decided to split the list into Old, New and Upcoming games and have picked a few from my ever increasing wishlist to talk about here.
Board Games,
Merchants & Marauders,
Mission: Red Planet,
Rising Sun,
Robinson Crusoe,
Shadow War: Armageddon,
This War of Mine,
Tyrants of the Underdark,
Warhammer 40K
Monday, 22 May 2017
Legendary Encounters: Predator
After playing Marvel Legendary plenty of times I got the chance to play Legendary Encounters. Both games are very alike but do have some differences. Recently I probably have played Encounters Predator more than Marvel Legendary so I thought it was time I wrote about it a bit.
Board Games,
Card Games,
Legendary Encounters,
Upper Deck
Monday, 15 May 2017
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong was a game I got after hearing really glowing reviews of it. It was described as a game that killed a game I liked already, Mysterium, so I knew it was something that should appeal to me.
It also filled a nice gap in my collection of games that can handle a large number of players but are still very much a gamer's game and not a light filler.
It also filled a nice gap in my collection of games that can handle a large number of players but are still very much a gamer's game and not a light filler.
Monday, 8 May 2017
The Most Heartbreaking Moment in Video game History.
Beware Spoilers Ahead!
Monday, 1 May 2017
8th Edition: What We Know So Far
8th Edition has been announced and we are starting to see leaks and teases of what is to come. I don't have time to write about each update as it comes out but I thought I'd write about what we know so far all together and what I think about it.
Standard Disclaimer: this is not news, I don't get any inside information or anything like that. It is just what I think about things that have already been released and reported on by everyone else already. Also with new teases and information being released by GW every day at the moment, this may be out of date really fast. If you want to keep up to date with news as it comes out of Games Workshop read Bell of Lost Souls, it's where I get most of my news from anyway.
Monday, 24 April 2017
Hope for the Grim Darkness of the Far Future
There have been some great announcements out of Games Workshop recently and I have been trying to follow it more than I have in the last few years because of that. Could it be enough to get me playing Games Workshop games again? Is there hope in the grim darkness of the far future? or only war?
Blood Bowl,
Games Workshop,
Shadow War: Armageddon,
Warhammer 40K
Monday, 17 April 2017
Unboxing Art of War Studios Tokens for Malifaux
After deciding to start playing Malifaux I also decided to pick up some tokens to use playing the game.
Malifaux use a lot of effects that need to be kept track of in the game and their are markers than need to be placed on the board. You can use spare bases or poker chips for markers and keep track of effects with paper or on your phone, but I decided to pick up some markers to use in game.
Monday, 10 April 2017
Blood Rage
If you are interested in board games you have almost definitely heard of Blood Rage from Cool Mini or Not. It was one of the hottest games of the last few years and has probably been reviewed 100s of times online, but I thought I'd get in and do one as well.
Blood Rage is a game about the Ragnarok and vikings fighting to earn their place in Valhalla. It combines a number of different game mechanics and is a great mix of game styles. It also allows players to use a number of different strategies and still compete.
Blood Rage is a game about the Ragnarok and vikings fighting to earn their place in Valhalla. It combines a number of different game mechanics and is a great mix of game styles. It also allows players to use a number of different strategies and still compete.
Monday, 3 April 2017
The End of the World: Zombie Apocalypse "Banged Up"
We played another game The End of the World: Zombie Apocalypse. Again I am writing this up from memory so I might have made a few mistakes, it was also influenced by the guys over at the INVICTUS Stream YouTube channel where I got the idea for the scenario from (seriously you should look them up at check out their Call of Cthulhu game).
For this scenario our players (Chris, Sam, Boris and Martin) have gone to do an escape room at a disused prison. This was the 1st time Chris, Sam and Boris had every played a RPG game. I used the "Under the Skin" scenario from the rulebook.
For this scenario our players (Chris, Sam, Boris and Martin) have gone to do an escape room at a disused prison. This was the 1st time Chris, Sam and Boris had every played a RPG game. I used the "Under the Skin" scenario from the rulebook.
Monday, 27 March 2017
Starting Malifaux Part 2
Following my post about starting with Malifaux I thought I'd share my first purchases for the game. Some of the thing's I picked up aren't necessary to play but should help or give a better experience so I decided to pick them up.
Monday, 20 March 2017
Rising Sun Kickstarter
The Rising Sun Kickerstarter is live and I have backed it. From Eric Lang and Cool Mini or Not it has been described as the spiritual successor to Blood Rage. I already have Blood Rage, but I wanted to get this as well. I thought I'd talk about why I have decided to back it.
![]() |
The Five Clans of Rising Sun. Koi, Dragonfly, Bonsai, Lotus and Turtle |
Board Games,
Cool Mini Or Not,
Rising Sun
Monday, 13 March 2017
Why I Don't Have The New Edition of Blood Bowl...Yet
A game that puts the fantasy into fantasy football. I really love Blood Bowl and have done for years. I had the old 3rd Edition box set when I was a kid and used to play with my brother a lot. Over the years I lost my old set probably somewhere between moving houses. Later I started playing the PC game online and even running leagues and cups with my friends. I really wanted to get a tabletop Blood Bowl pitch and team but they were either quite expensive or hard to find something I liked so I never did. When Games Workshop re-released a new edition I should have been the target market but I still haven't brought a copy yet.
Monday, 6 March 2017
Starting Malifaux Part 1
Malifaux is a game I have talked about wanted to start before, you can read why I was looking for a new wargame and why Malifaux appealed to me here.
I have finally decided to take the plunge and get started with it.
I have finally decided to take the plunge and get started with it.
Monday, 27 February 2017
PC Gamer Weekender 2017
So last weekend I was lucky enough to go to the PC Gamer Weekender. I thought I'd write a little about it and the games I played while I was there. You can find out more about it on their website here.
This won't be a complete write up, I wasn't planning to write about it while I was there and we played quite a lot of games so I'm not going to talk about all of them, but I thought I'd mention some bits I enjoyed.
This won't be a complete write up, I wasn't planning to write about it while I was there and we played quite a lot of games so I'm not going to talk about all of them, but I thought I'd mention some bits I enjoyed.
Board Games,
Card Games,
Colt Express,
Dawn of War,
Little Nightmares,
Raise your Goblets,
Star Realms,
Super Meat Boy,
Total War,
Warhammer 40K
Monday, 20 February 2017
Ticket to Ride
Today I wanted to write a bit about Ticket to Ride. I plan on talking about the game in general not one particular map, there are a lot of different board available and each plays slightly differently. I have got Europe, United Kingdom, Pennsylvania, Switzerland, India, Asia and Legendary Asia. The basic mechanics are the same no matter which one you use, but normal they all have one or two different ways of scoring or a new action to take.
Monday, 13 February 2017
Plague Inc
This was a game I Kickstarted and talked about a little bit while I was waiting for it to be produced here. It is based off a PC and mobile game with the same name which I played a lot and really enjoyed. With the Kickstarter version I got the 5th Player expansion and the Patient Zero expansion included. 5th Player just adds tokens and a player board to play 5 player. The Patient Zero pack included a few new event and trait cards.
Board Games,
Ndemic Creations,
Plague Inc
Monday, 6 February 2017
My RPG Collection
So I wanted to write a little bit about the Tabletop RPGs I own. This wont be complete, I have a few small RPG PDF's that I got as part of bundles or free, mostly Humble Bundles or from DrivethruRPG. I might talk about some of these but I haven't read through them all and might not have have chosen them if I was paying full price.
I decided to write this because I do enjoy RPG games but don't get to play them as much as I'd like any more. I guess it just gives me a chance to talk about games that I don't get to play much. That being said, I haven't played some of these for a while and might not have read through the books even longer than that so I could be a little rusty, if I make any mistakes I'm sorry.
I decided to write this because I do enjoy RPG games but don't get to play them as much as I'd like any more. I guess it just gives me a chance to talk about games that I don't get to play much. That being said, I haven't played some of these for a while and might not have read through the books even longer than that so I could be a little rusty, if I make any mistakes I'm sorry.
7th Sea,
A Song of Ice and Fire,
Alien Invasion,
Call of Cthulhu,
Changeling The Lost,
Fantasy AGE,
The End of the World,
World of Darkness,
Zombie Apocalypse
Monday, 2 January 2017
Game Ranks Jan 2017
So following on from my post last week about ranking my collection I have done it again, this time with my logged plays list from BBG.
There are a lot more games this time (59 instead of 31). There are a few changes in place from my last list, I guess a few of my preferences are based on my mood at the time, but most of my collection are in the same order.
The same rules applied as last time. I removed expansions but when picking games I considered based on them being available to me (again the Ticket to Ride map packs and Legendary expansions I assumed were included with the base game if I have played them). I also didn't take into account outside factors like available time, gaming space and player counts.
Read on for my list.
There are a lot more games this time (59 instead of 31). There are a few changes in place from my last list, I guess a few of my preferences are based on my mood at the time, but most of my collection are in the same order.
The same rules applied as last time. I removed expansions but when picking games I considered based on them being available to me (again the Ticket to Ride map packs and Legendary expansions I assumed were included with the base game if I have played them). I also didn't take into account outside factors like available time, gaming space and player counts.
Read on for my list.
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