Monday, 18 April 2016

Back To Eve Online

As you may know I used to play Eve Online for a long time.  I used to really enjoy it but after moving and not having a reliable internet connection I stopped and never went back to it.  Well now I am.

So what made me come back?

When I was playing I was briefly in Fatal Asencsion and a member of the CFC.  I had friends that were long term members of -FA- and after it's collapse stayed with the CFC (now The Imperium).  I never really enjoyed 0.0 Sov wars so left to do the things I did enjoy like Lowsec piracy and Wormhole space.  I still know people that have stayed with The Imperium even after most people I know stopped playing.  I personally haven't played for about 2 years since I left No Holes Barred.  I did miss the fun and stories I had from playing but never really had a motivation to go back.

Then came World War Bee. 
For those that don't know The Imperium, formally the most powerful coalition in the game is under attack by a group known as the Money Badger Coalition, made up of a large number of Alliances that previously used to fight each other but had joined together to stand up to the Imperium, the enemy of my enemy is my friend sort of thing.  I hadn't been following the Eve news so don't know most of the details.  First I heard The Imperium were being pushed back and the MBC were pushing forwards forcing The Imperium to abandon space and promising a "Hell War" in revenge.
My former -FA- friends that still play formed a Facebook group, which I was invited to, as a way of recruiting old -FA- members back to The Imperium and back into Eve Online if they had stopped.  With all my old friends talking about the game and many re-subbing I checked my account and realised I had a 10 days free on my account to re-try Eve.  I decided to use it and check out the game again.

Now I really never like 0.0 and wasn't in the CFC long enough to feel much loyalty to them, part of me would really like to join up and fight, just to say I was there but I don't think I can handle doing something that I don't like for that long.  I haven't decided what I am going to do with myself now, but I have realised what I missed about the game.  I have spent my time so far talking to some Lowsec and Wormhole groups trying to find a new home as well as talking to old friends from my time playing.  I have been hanging around the some public fleet channels like Bombers Bar and Spectre Fleet and hope to go out of some roams with them while finding what I want to do.

I have already got back into some of the things I used to do in the game.  Me and a Friend scammed a guy out of 100 million isk on our first proper day back in the game.  He was blacklisted from joining The Imperium but wanted to join them to fight in the war.  I told him my Friend was the alt of a Imperium CEO and to get in touch with him.  Then my friend told him that in order to get off the blacklist he would have to pay a deposit that we would hold until we were sure he was not a spy or a traitor.  The guy paid up and we split the profit.  It wasn't a big score but it did remind me why I like Eve as an MMO.

Who knows were I will end up playing in Eve or how long I will play for but for now I'm glad to be back and look forward to seeing what happens.

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