Monday, 25 April 2016

Eve Online: 1st Day in a New Alliance

After rejoining Eve I have found myself a new corp and alliance.  I wasn't really sure what I wanted to go and do in game but I was sure it wasn't going to be 0.0 Sov Wars.  I was looking for any non-sov PVP corps that I thought could be fun and I have ended up back with my first love, Lowsec Piracy.

I have joined Relentless Terrorism, a lowsec pirate corp and member of the Separatists alliance.  I love being back in lowsec and it something I have gone back to a few times since I first flew with The Gurlstas Associates back in 2011.

I also had a very nice 1st evening in the alliance.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Back To Eve Online

As you may know I used to play Eve Online for a long time.  I used to really enjoy it but after moving and not having a reliable internet connection I stopped and never went back to it.  Well now I am.

So what made me come back?

Monday, 11 April 2016

1st Play Through of Fury of Dracula

A few month ago I posted a list of games I wanted to get next.  On that I said that one I was really looking forward to was Fury of Dracula 3rd Edition.  I haven't bought it, but a friend of mine did and we tried it for the first time Saturday Night.  I'm not going to do a review, I know we made a few mistakes and we didn't use all the advanced rules, I'd rather wait for play a few more games before writing a proper review.  Instead I'm going to write up our first play.

The BBG play record is here.  It does contain spoilers for this write up about where Dracula started.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Eve Online: A Tale of Fail

OK so this Eve Online post is different from others I have done.  It is a write up of a kill but not the same as my last.  This was written by another guy that was there and I'm just copying and pasting.

For a little background I was looking for anomalies to run while we were quiet in lowsec.  We were in a pirate alliance but everyone was AFK and me and you're mum decided to make some money.  I was in a dead end system with no stations when this happened.

Everything below was written by You're Mum and is a direct copy and paste, it is NSFW...sort of.