Monday, 27 August 2018

Necromunda Underhive Campaign - Part 1

I have started a Necromunda campaign with a friend, just the two of us running to to get used to playing.  So far I am loving the game and like the mix of 40k skirmish play and advancing your gang.  Problem is I find the game's alternating activation much harder to write a battle report for so haven't done any for any of games so far.

That said I wanted to write a little about how it is going so far and what's happened.

Monday, 20 August 2018

"Quality vs Quantity" 1750 points Cadians vs Custodians

I got to test my Guard army out again, this time against the Adeptus Custodes.  It was 1750 points so I didn't want to bring my Super Heavy but that did mean using basically using everything else in my collection so I had a few units that weren't the best, if I'd had a few more models I definite would have dropped a few and put something else in.

Either way, we played 1750 points, Secure and Control and had Dawn of War deployment.