Monday, 13 November 2017

Flesh Tearers Update & A Battle Against The World Eaters

This is going to be a two part post because both will probably be quite short (or at least the 1st part will).  First off we are going to do a quick update on my Flesh Tearers after last weeks post and 2nd I'm going to talk a bit about a battle I had a month or so ago that I didn't do a battle report for against a friends World Eaters.

Monday, 6 November 2017

New Army Ideas - Inquisition

I wrote a little bit a while ago about wanting to start a new army for 8th Edition and how I was thinking of starting a Ynnari army because it gave me a lot of options.  Since writing that I have been carrying on with my Flesh Tearers and still have a few more bits to finish with them before I am happy enough with them to move on to something new.  I also started to have other ideas floating around in my head of other armies I could build instead.  I am not completely off the idea of Eldar but I have starting thinking about maybe doing an Imperial Inquisition army instead.