Monday, 27 February 2017

PC Gamer Weekender 2017

So last weekend I was lucky enough to go to the PC Gamer Weekender.  I thought I'd write a little about it and the games I played while I was there.  You can find out more about it on their website here.

This won't be a complete write up, I wasn't planning to write about it while I was there and we played quite a lot of games so I'm not going to talk about all of them, but I thought I'd mention some bits I enjoyed.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Ticket to Ride

Today I wanted to write a bit about Ticket to Ride.  I plan on talking about the game in general not one particular map, there are a lot of different board available and each plays slightly differently.  I have got Europe, United Kingdom, Pennsylvania, Switzerland, India, Asia and Legendary Asia.  The basic mechanics are the same no matter which one you use, but normal they all have one or two different ways of scoring or a new action to take.

Monday, 13 February 2017

Plague Inc

This was a game I Kickstarted and talked about a little bit while I was waiting for it to be produced here. It is based off a PC and mobile game with the same name which I played a lot and really enjoyed.  With the Kickstarter version I got the 5th Player expansion and the Patient Zero expansion included.  5th Player just adds tokens and a player board to play 5 player.  The Patient Zero pack included a few new event and trait cards.

Monday, 6 February 2017

My RPG Collection

So I wanted to write a little bit about the Tabletop RPGs I own.  This wont be complete, I have a few small RPG PDF's that I got as part of bundles or free, mostly Humble Bundles or from DrivethruRPG.  I might talk about some of these but I haven't read through them all and might not have have chosen them if I was paying full price.

I decided to write this because I do enjoy RPG games but don't get to play them as much as I'd like any more.  I guess it just gives me a chance to talk about games that I don't get to play much.  That being said, I haven't played some of these for a while and might not have read through the books even longer than that so I could be a little rusty, if I make any mistakes I'm sorry.