If you read through this blog you will notice I stopped posting Warhammer 40,000 battle reports. I have really stopped playing Games Workshop games because I can't afford to keep up with the cost. I still have my Flesh Tearers army and the last set of rules/codex for them but I probably won't continue to buy more for it. The issue is mainly the price, I love miniature wargames and all the back story for the universe, in fact I still keep up to date with the lore and read novels and stories based on the universe. I can't afford to spend a large amount of money buying miniatures, updated rules and re-writing army lists because new codex's make my current ones underpowered.
I recently started looking for alternatives. I had the idea of a skirmish style wargame like Necromunda. The idea of smaller forces and less models means it will be cheaper to play. I was put off Necromunda because it isn't supported by GW any more so I looked at others. One I found that really appeals to me is Malifaux 2nd Edition.